International Soldiers, Join the Cause

Day 629, 20:29 Published in USA Canada by Dale Marks

Greetings and Welcome,

“No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." General George S. Patton.

Today, I am happy to announce that we will begin a new military campaign. I will personally be taking over the Director of War position to see this through. Habraka will be working alongside of us with his own corporation.

This campaign will be reaching towards our new corporate goals in Umbrella. The independence of any country wishing to be sovereign shall be supported by our military efforts. This definitely includes the U.S., which is our first and foremost goal at this point.

This includes all existing and new soldiers wishing to join our cause. You have the opportunity to represent your country by fighting with Umbrella. With you helping our cause, it can also help your cause and country.

We are also wishing for and accepting any other mercenary groups whom wish to fight alongside of us. Strength in numbers and we can achieve what we have always wished for.

CEO Umbrella Corp.
Dale Marks

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