Interesantne cinjenice o Japanu/Interesting facts about Japan

Day 2,257, 01:49 Published in Japan Serbia by kowalski_afc

1. Japanska deca svakog dana zajedno sa učiteljima čiste svoju školu kako bi se naučili da poštuju čistoću, ali i rad.
Kids, with their teachers, are cleaning their school every day. Like that, they learn to respect cleanness, but also to respect the work.

2. Prosečno kašnjenje vozova u Japanu je 7 sekundi godišnje. Vreme se poštuje.
Trains are late 7 seconds/year. Everybody is respecting the time.

3. Radnici koji vode računa o higijeni se u Japanu zovu “inženjeri zdravlja” i veoma su dobro plaćeni.
Workers which are taking care of the hygiene are engineers and they are very well paid.

4. Japan praktično nema prirodne resurse, svake godine ga pogađa na stotine zemljotresa, ali je i pored toga druga ekonomija sveta.
Therefore the Japan almost without any natural resources, therefore there are dozens of earthquakes, Japan is still second economic power of the world.

5. Hirošimi je bilo potrebno samo 10 godina da se oporavi posle atomske bombe.
Only 10 years was needed that Hiroshima recovered after A-bomb.

6. U Japanu se mobilni telefoni ne koriste u gradskom prevozu, restoranima i javnim mestima zato što to uznemirava druge ljude.
Mobile phones are not used in public buses/metro, restaurants and other public places because it can disarrange other people.

7. Đaci od prvog do šestog razreda u školi uče etiku u odnosu prema drugim ljudima.
From first until sixth grade in the school, kids are learning ethics to know how to act to other people.

8. Iako Japanci spadaju među najbogatije ljude na svetu skoro nikada nemaju kućne pomoćnice ili dadilje. Roditelji se uvek sami brinu o deci.
Japanese are mostly rich people, but they don’t hire maids or nannies. Parents are taking care of kinds by their own.

9. Deca u mlađim razredima nemaju ocene. Cilj obrazovanja je pre svega građenje zdrave ličnosti.
Pupils don’t have grades in first classes. The point of the education is to become good persons.

10. U restoranima ćete videti ljude koji jedu tačno onoliko koliko im je potrebno. Hrana se nikada ne baca.
You can see that people are eating not more than they need in restaurants. The food is not throwing to garbage.

11. Svako ko ima psa mora da nosi kesice i počisti za svojim ljubimcem. Čistoća je deo japanske etike.
Everyone who has the dog must to clean after dog’s needs, because cleanness is a part of Japanese ethic.

12. Posle obroka u školi deca uvek peru zube!
Kids are washing their teeth after every meal in the school.

13. Deca u školama imaju pauzu za ručak od pola sata iako mogu da obrok završe za mnogo manje. Važno je da se jede na miru, smatraju u Japanu.
Kids have 30 minutes for the lunch in schools, therefore they can finish much faster. In Japan, they think that it’s important to have your meal without rush.


• Whole article is copied from my dear friend – Zarmael. Some of those things are also used in Europe/Americas, but some of them are not used…