Integrity: Glass Houses

Day 3,147, 19:14 Published in USA USA by Inwegen
My fellow Americans, I'm not mad, just disappointed. Seriously disappointed. And, maybe, a little bit mad. The political discourse in this nation disappoints me. Some may criticize me for saying that as I can be accused of the same in the past. But, since I have returned, I have sat back and watched each election cycle as citizens who give the least to the eUS attack those who give the most. Still, I was not prepared for what I saw last night. At long last Tenshibo, have you no sense of decency?

While the politics underlying this attack are debatable, they are hard to understand. Apparently Yui can't lead, and apparently Yui has been a terrible President. This is an argument, sure, but it's not an argument overly concerned with facts. For example, we are to accept unifying the country around resource wars and expertly organizing NSC as a happy accident. We are led to believe that a slow month mechanically in the Summer is Yui's fault, and of course we are meant to ignore everything Yui actually is doing in Iberia. We are meant to ignore the fact that Yui's media has been candid and consistent long before the 25th.

It is a false narrative, but this is politics and I can respect that. You don't win elections with a fair accounting of your opponents accomplishments, I get that.

What I absolutely cannot respect is the level of unfounded personal attacks I see going on around me as well as the abuse of trust and assumed privacy that has facilitated these attacks. Leaking from the Presidential Daily Briefing is beyond unprofessional, it's short sighted and moronic. Privacy is assumed there because there needs to be a place where the President can be given his advisor's honest opinions without fear of retribution or backlash. To violate the sanctity of that trust is to weaken the country, and last I checked, the country didn't stop being priority #1 during election weeks. Others have been stripped of national positions and privileges at all levels from party to Executive for far lesser offences.

It might not help to complain that the complaints against Yui were out of context, but it certainly doesn't hurt that anyone reading them can see how ridiculous they are. Yui watches TV? Yui's advisors wanted him to write an article? Joking in the PDB? Come on Tenshibo, you have to be able to do better than that. You're destroying your political career, and burning how many bridges, because the President likes Doctor Who? Because the President had some major life events that far outweigh this game?

I'm not saying Yui has been perfect. Then again, no President has been and there is always room for improvement. What Yui has done, however, is his best actually leading the eUnited States and learning/adapting on the fly as needed. That's not a political thing, that's just how he plays the game and has grown immensely as a result. I wonder if those criticizing him can say the same.

And calling Yui childish? Glass houses, Tenshibo. Glass houses.

It used to be different. I can't count the number of times I put aside feuds to serve the acting President and, therefore, the nation. There used to be more of us who cared more about integrity and the country than petty feuds. I know some of you still do. Let's return to that America. We have the power to play this game with integrity. Let's stop tolerating those of us who refuse to do so.