Insajder - Budućnost eRepublik-a (SRB/ENG)

Day 1,517, 18:43 Published in Serbia Serbia by FiRe8all
Lokacija: Bukurešt
Mesto: eRepublik Labs
Sagovornik: Alexis Bonte

Ekipa Insajdera posetila je eRepublik Labs u Bukureštu kako bi eksluzivno saznali šta je to što nas očekuje u 2012. godini i neke zanimljive detalje o poslovanju eRepublik Labs-a u protekloj, 2011. Sa nama je razgovarao su-osnivač i izvršni direktor eRepublik Labs-a, Alexis Bonte. Imali smo želju da popričamo o nekim tehničkim stvarima i sa čovekom zaduženim za ta pitanja - Džordžom Lemnaruom, ali, kako su nam rekli, on je bio na službenom putu i nije bio dostupan za naša pitanja.

- Bilo je glasina da je eRepublik Labs imao određene finansijske probleme u poslednjih nekoliko godina. Ako su te glasine tačne, da li su ti problemi prevaziđeni i kakvo je trenutno opšte finansijsko stanje kompanije?

- Svedoci smo velikih promena u igri prošle godine. Šta mislite da su te promene donele igri?

- Šta mislite da je trebalo biti urađeno u toku prošle godine, a nije i zašto?

Naravno, sve se vrti oko para i svakome ko nešto radi je normalno da za taj svoj rad ostvaruje profit. eRepublik Labs je u poslednje vreme dosta polagao pažnje na razne promocije i akcije, što se pokazalo kao dobar marketinški potez.

Kako nam je obećano, sa ovim trendom će se nastaviti i u 2012. godini, te će znatno veća sredstva biti uložena u marketing, kako bi igra dobila što veći broj aktivnih igrača.

Tokom prošle godine sprovedeno je više istraživanja na temu zadovoljstva igrača Novim Svetom. Prema rečima Alexisa Bontea, iz tih istraživanja se može zaključiti da je većinsko mišljenje o igri mnogo bolje nego ranije, ali da postoji još stvari na kojima se mora raditi, kao i neki moduli koji se moraju poboljšati da bi rezultati bili bolji.

Na pitanje "Na čemu će se posebno obratiti pažnja u narednom periodu?" dobili smo odgovor:

Trenutno se u kompaniji radi na povećanju broja igrača, pre svega što većoj aktivnosti postojećih, kao i unapređenju samog eRep tima, njihovog znanja i talenta.

Teško, a da se moglo zaobići pitanje, kad već razgovaramo sa prvim čovekom eRepublik-a, gde on vidi budućnost ove igre.

Na kraju smo malo zašli i u privatnu priču, i razgovarali o proteklim praznicima, a Alexis nam je rekao kako ih je on proveo:

Sa velikim žaljenjem što nismo mogli da pričamo o mnogo tehničkih detalja vezanim za svakodnevno funkcionisanje igre (botovima, "rođacima", itd.), Alexis Bonte nas je ispratio uputivši poruku svim srpskim igračima:

Bilo je lepo druženje, ali su onda svi morali da se vrate svojim radnim obavezama. Sa mnogo znatiželje krenuli smo nazad nadajući se da će obećanja biti ispunjena u ovoj godini i da će Novi Svet, konačno, postati bolje mesto za sve nas.

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Location: Bucharest
Place: eRepublik Labs
Interviewee: Alexis Bonte

Insider crew have visited eRepublik Labs in Bucharest in search for exclusive material what can we expect in 2012., and some interesting business informations in the last year. We have talked with co-founder and CEO of eRepublik Labs - Alexis Bonte. We also wanted to disscuss about technical issues with George Lemnaru, but, as we were told, he was on a business trip and was not available for our questions.

- There were some rumours that eRepublik Labs have had some financial problems over the past few years. If that is true, are those problems solved and what is the "general health" of eRep Labs?

- Some big changes have been made in the game last year. What do you think they had brought to the game?

- What do You think it had to be done last year, but it didn't and why?

Of course, it's all about money and anyone who works something it's normal to gain profits from their work. eRepublik Labs has recently laid a lot of attention to various promotions and activities, which proved to be a good marketing move.

As we were promised, this trend will continue in the 2012th year, and considerably more funds will be invested in marketing, in order to gain more active players.

During the last year more surveys were conducted on the subject of players satisfaction of the New World. According to Alexis Bonte, from these studies it can be concluded that the majority opinion about the game is much better than before, but there are things that must be done, and some modules that need to be improved to ensure the better results.

To the question "On what will you be specifically focused in the future?" we got the answer:

eRepublik Labs is currently working on growing the New World (in terms of active citizens) and improving the talent they have in the eRepublik Labs team.

It's was hard to avoid question about the future of eRepublik.

- As last, one personal question. 😉 How did You spend this holiday?

With great regret we could not talk much about the technical details related to the daily operation of the game (bots, "family", etc..), we were escorted by Alexis Bonte and he sent a message to all Serbian players:

It was nice meeting, but then all had to return to their work duties. With a lot of curiosity, we went back hoping that the promises will be fulfilled this year and that the New World, finally, will become a better place for all of us.

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