
Day 98, 03:36 Published in Portugal Portugal by The Office

The first citizen of [a url=]Indonesia[/a], [a url=]isnuwardana[/a], proudly provided the information of Indonesia´s History.
Born on 22 Nov, witnessed the very first small steps of what was to become a top eRepublik nation.

The first companies were founded, [a url=]Yayasan Sehat[/a] [Hospitals], [a url=]Rumah Sehat Lima[/a] [Housing], [a url=]Chocolate n Roses[/a] [Food], [a url=]Intercont. Express[/a] [Moving] and [a url=]Paradig Corp[/a] [Weapons].

New leaders came forward, [a url=]ayoe_f_r[/a] from the [a url=]Narcissist Party[/a] and [a url=]sulistiowidodo[/a] from the [a url=]Amazing Great Indonesia Party[/a]. The candidate ayoe_f_r was the chosen one, to rule Indonesia on December.

On the 19th of December, the [a url=]Indonesia Bank[/a] was created.

In the 15th of December, Indonesia´s population booms and remarkably continues to grow.

Its the 23th of December, new political ideologies echo through Indonesia. The new citizens soon criticize their leader and the government for not handling well the boom and its sparky economy. [a url=]om_mudakir[/a] founds the [a url=]Indonesian Defensive Socialist Party[/a]. Only seven days later, om_mudakir is elected in a landslide victory.

The celebrations went through all night and soon enough Indonesia made their existence aware for it´s increasing population and it´s new shiny [a url=]coat of arms[/a], made by Arwah Agrie.

A new project providing health care is subsidized by the government on January, the 10th.
Two days later the party [a url=]Partai Rakyat Merdeka[/a] is created by [a url=]habisi_aku[/a].
In the following week, a intelligence agency (KERIS) is founded, the first [a url=]lottery[/a] implemented and the first [a url=]hospital completed[/a].
Indonesia´s organization increase everyday and embassies are spread all around the e-world.
A [a url=]commercial bank[/a] created on January, the 19th.

The growing economy and it´s exporting policy soon flames an [a url=]open dispute[/a] with the UK.

February elections were hot, habisi_aku wins them but a recount takes his victory away for the previous president.

A few days later, the health care project is [a url=]completed for all regions[/a].
Also a lot of party leaders are changed. the NCS party changes it´s leader to [a url=]isnuwardana[/a], the AGIP to [a url=]cybershock[/a] and the IDS to [a url=]yanezu[/a].

More recently, on the 18th of February, Indonesia and Pakistan signed an [a url=]non aggression agreement pact[/a].

A [a url=]brief description of Indonesia[/a] nowadays.

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26 February Issue #2
[a url=]Meiko[/a], [a url=]Peter Gibbons[/a], [a url=]Ziggyzag[/a], [a url=]isnuwardana[/a], [a url=]Kaleb[/a], [a url=]Cicero[/a], [a url=]Pochi[/a], [a url=]Jesus Hernandez[/a], [a url=]Marco Polo[/a], [a url=]Iotho[/a], [a url=]Dhoo[/a], [a url=]PHuSiOn9[/a]
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