Important Military Update #1 - Guide to Fighting for PEACE WarGames

Day 533, 18:38 Published in Australia Australia by Cottus Arci

As the new Minister of Defence, several important Military Updates will be posted today... this is part 1.

1. Wargames have begun

Australia has joined the PEACE WarGames exercise, which officially opened within the last hour.

What does this mean?

Simple. Australia (and 12 other countries) got an MPP with Argentina, then Chile attacked, enabling Australia and those 12 other countries to participate in any battles Chile & Argentina open.

What can you do? I've adopted this from dMoD Cheeseball's Guide to Fighting

Step 1. If you plan on fighting, only do so from NSW. It has a Q5 Hospital, (healing gives you 50 wellness after you fight) whereas VIC & NT have no hospital.

Step 2. Wellness Check - Each fight costs 10 wellness, so you need to access how many times you can fight, keeping in mind your wellness greatly affects how much damage you do (and therefore how quickly to gain fighting experience). Here's a simple table to help you...

Current Wellness___Fights___End Wellness
>40 - Cannot fight (fighting requires minimum 40 wellness)

So, look at your wellness, and go by this table.

Having lower wellness and fighting less today means you'll get a massive (FREE) wellness boost that will improve your work productivity (I can almost guarantee you a wage increase), and will enable you to be in better condition to fight more in the following battles.

Step 3. Once in NSW, go the the current open Battle, Cuyo (has approx 23 hours to go). Fight as many times as the table tells you (clicking 'Fight' from battlefield, then 'Fight Again' from the Fight screen.

Step 4. Go back to the Battlefield from the Fight screen, then click the 'Heal' link. All done for today! Rinse & repeat tomorrow.

More Updates to come
As I said, a few more things will need to be announced later on today... stay tuned!

Cottus Arci
Minister of Defence
Australian Department of Defence