[EDIT] Important informations from DaRkO 206's cabinet

Day 1,426, 08:57 Published in New Zealand Serbia by DaRkO 206

click on the picture bellow for the previous article with list of cabinet

Kia ora fellow eKiwis.

EDIT: Vote YES on NE proposal and fight for New Zealand.
As I have previously mentioned we've been pushed in real war despite we wanted NE partner in order to use bonuses and we were out of money for real war. Now when we have loosed it and help allies to defend, we can move to the old pursuit of our small country. When our partner make accepts proposal to NE us in their congress, we will fight for Australia in resistance from NZ. We do not want their regions, we want constant Natural Enemy. Thanks.

First of all I want to apologize because 10 days have passed since my last article.
That period was very difficult and I concentrated my time and energy on other particular things I’m gonna explain in further text.

War was the most important thing last week on eNZ. As I previously said, we have TW agreement with eAussies. But, since our ally eIndonesia faced 4 NE proposals against it (AU, BRA, USA, China) our alliance decided we should change our war a little bit in order to make it easier for Indo.

And as you can see we have success for now, our economy stats are better, so I suggest you know to use tool kit you collected.
We wouldn’t have succed without great dedicated people who participated, from civilians to MUs and MoD orders - so I ask everyone to subscribe and follow orders.
Well done all for great fight, keep good fighting and specially thanks to Indonesia and other allies for their help.

Defend Indo here and support them. All the resistance raised in NZ must be defended so fight for NZ in NSW now. Also, read new article from Ministry of Information.

On the other hand, because lose bother with Aussies, NE and war is closed until they manage to regain some from Indonesia and come to our border.

Have a nice time on eNew Zealand.

You can contact me any time if you have some questions by click on picture bellow.