Important DoD Article (A must read)

Day 1,002, 11:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

Soldiers of the Republic, atten-shun!

Today is very important for you and for the IDF. It is imperative that you read this brief and follow the instructions below, regardless of your station or rank. That’s an order ; )

On an individual scale our performance in recent battles has been impressive. On an overall basis, it has been less than satisfactory. To defend ourselves we need central strategy, central command and an army designed from the ground up to achieve that. That need is now a reality.
The IDF now has two areas; ‘Battle Area’ and ‘Out of Battle Area.’ Each has its own command, and to find out about this you must click: here.

Overview: Battle Command

As soon as a battle appears in the game, the Battle Command is activated. The MoD chooses a Field Commander for the battle (out of four or five), and that person is then in charge of every IDF soldier on the battlemap, until he is replaced or the battle finishes. In battle, soldiers must answer only to the Field Commander. The Field Commander directs strategy and weapons distribution. He is the centrepiece of the battlefield. This will enable us to bring central strategy to the fight.

Overview: Out of Battle Command

This structure is effective all the time, but has no influence on battle. Your division commanders have no authority in the battle area.
The IDF is divided into four divisions; one for each weapon type. This means the abolition of all current divisions, including Na Fianna. Donovan Thomas is our first Field Commander to be appointed, and naturally, the strongest soldiers will receive the best weapons in game.

One commander is placed in charge of each division- there are no more COs. Furthermore, each division is split into two groups based on activity. We will call them ‘Team A’ and ‘Team B’ for simplicity for now. Each week the Division commander will study how active his soldiers are - based on their work habits, and will assign the most active to ‘Team A.’

Once a battle starts, the MoD Org will message every soldier in Team A’ with the name of the Field Commander, and a password and link to the IDF Operations Channel. They will have priority for weapons, although any ‘B’ members will be brought into the channel on request. This means that the Field Commander can create strategy based on real estimates of who will be there for the battle.
Click for pictures

Last but not least.
There is a new area for Recruitment and Education in the IDF. This area contains all the information on the new IDF, and also contains guides on the game in general. www.idfhub.webs.comAll current soldiers are required to visit this area and complete the Entry Test at the bottom. The test is easy and this is simply a test of our system - failure won’t mean any negative consequences.However, taking of the test is mandatory, and we will know who has, and who has not. Sunday is the deadline.


All Division Commanders, Helicopter, Artillery, Rifle and Tank are to turn up for a meeting tomorrow night @ 21.00 Irish time (13.00 eRepublik time).

Also, I would like all Irish citizens to send this org a Friend Request. This allows our shouts to be widely viewed and relayed to more citizens then a article itself would.

Ian Arbuckle - Chief of Staff
Marcus Suirdius - Co Minister of Defence
Niall H - Co Minister of Defence
Dubhthaigh - Creator of the new IDF System

