Impeachment HU/EN

Day 1,887, 02:50 Published in Austria Hungary by Cratinus

Javaslom a Nemzeti Front képviselőinek, hogy nyújtsanak be bizalmatlansági indítványt az elnök ellen. Az ok ez a cikk:

Szerintem kommentárt nem kíván. Ha nyerünk egy olyan játékos lesz az elnök aki most az ÖIP-ben van, korábban pedig abban a pártban volt amit később átvettek a kommunisták.

I suggested to my party to start an impeachment against the president. I ask all players in the congress with a healthy moral standard to support it and work together. The reason is the article our president announced.

Extremism is bad. All kind of extremism, moreover in a game like this, moreover when they put up symbols of death while little kids playing with this as well.

Saying shut up when people voice their opinion about this, should not be acceptable!

If we win a new player will be the president who is currently in the ÖIP party, and was in the one, communists took over later.

Thank you.