Impeachment for the PEACE GC Supreme Commander [reposting]

Day 632, 13:12 Published in Romania Romania by Mistwalker

This is from an article posted some hours ago by Wolf89 and then deleted probably because of the PEACE GC strict security policies involving use of free speech.

Have a read it's pretty interesting 😉 or at the very least it should remain somewhere catalogued.


versione italiana piu in basso

Early in this afternoon I, as representative emeritus and therefore with access granted for PEACE Global Community (from now PEACE GC) security council, i have signed an impeachment proposal for Feherlo, the actual Supreme Commander (from now SC) of the PEACE GC armed forces.

Here below you can see the integral text of the impeachment proposal


- Showed no respect for the Secretary General

- Posed his own country as better of all the other

- Negligence on the protection of member countries

- Lead PEACE to being hated from all the free world, and even caused troubles in some member countries, which doesn't feel well represented by PEACE

- Violated the paragraph nr. 7.3.d :

Material spoils of war shall be divided equally among Member Nations.


1: this is the link where you can find the proof of his disrespect for the SG, and therefore for all the alliance [note: you can't see this topic ofc, but in here, Feherlo orders the Secretary general that he wants total control of the Gold from spain - the complete picture is more complex, this is a very tiny summarization]

2a: this can be seen from the world map. Hungary helds regions from all over the world, helds all kind of raw materials, also if 7.3.d should be effective here

2b: used the ongoing world war to gain direct earning for themselves, facing that urals must be returned to russia, they walked over the frontlines (forcing great expenses for the swap of the regions) to reach northern china (and even north korea!!!) while this behavior helped in the war very very littly

3: Italy and Germany got PTOed, while an aggressive TO was planned against CANADA, which was already on knees. There no excuses whatsoever: 1st we need to defend the members and THEN we should think on TOing around the world

4: The war on north america can't be recognized anymore as a revenge for the Atlantis behavior, since canada is now being controlled by 4 countries and only for canadian raw materials. The loss of their freedom was way enough. Now the situation is turning over imperialistic dominion, which is what PEACE GC was born against. In USA it will be the same.

5: In the latest artcle regarding the Spain treasury intelligence action, all of them states that the golds have been tracked from HUNGARIAN intelligence, nof by Feherlo private moves.

Feherlo has acted for a long time as if he is the leader of PEACE, and like as PEACE itself is under the dominion of hungary (with the exception of indonesia, too big to be controlled). He led peace against its principles and to being hated by all the rest of the world. This should end immediately, but this doesn't mean that italy want to get out from peace at all!

Thanks for your attention

versione italiana - riassunta

Nel primissimo pomeriggio io, come rappresentante emerito all'interno del consiglio di sicurezza di PEACE GC, ho proposto la mozione di sfiducia verso feherlo, il comandante supremo in carica delle forze armate di PEACE

Versione tradotta e riassunta della proposta:


- non ha mostrato rispetto verso il Segretario Generale e quindi verso tutta l'alleanza (per non parlare dello scarso rispetto verso gli altri membri)

- ha posto l'ungheria al di sopra degli altri membri dell'alleanza

- Gravi negligenze nella protezione degli stati membri

- Ha portato tutto il mondo ad odiare PEACE ed inoltre ha fatto sentire molti cittadini membri di PEACE non rappresentati appieno dall'alleanza

- Ha violato il paragrafo 7.3.d del charter peace:

Le spoglie di guerra devono essere suddivise equamente tra gli stati membri


1 Link al forum di peace dove vi è un estratto della discussione incriminata

2a L'ungheria controlla regioni ovunque intorno al mondo, controlla tutti i tipi di materie prime senza averle distribuite verso gli stati membri (tra l'altro controlla ancora il caucaso, russo, alleato)

2b ha sfruttato la guerra mondiale in corso per il proprio tornaconto, per raggiungere il nord della cina (altro iron high) camminando sopra gli altri paesi con un grande costo e aiutando poco nella guerra

3 Italia e germania hanno subito un TO mentre l'ungheria provava takeover a singapore e canada

4 la guerra in nordamerica non è piu spacciabile per guerra di vendetta, dato che l'ungheria controlla metà del canada (insieme ad altri 3) solo per sfruttare le materie prime, trasformando PEACE in imperialista, e cioè in quello che era nata per contrastare

5 In tutti gli articoli pubblicati, l'azione di intelligence con cui si è ottenuto il gold spagnolo è stata ungherese, e non privata di feherlo

Feherlo ha agito per molto tempo come se fosse il leader incontrastato di PEACE, come se PEACE fosse sotto il dominio dell'ungheria (con l'esclusione ovvia dell'indonesia, troppo grossa per poterla controllare) e ha portato PEACE contro i suoi principi e a farla odiare da tutto il mondo.

Grazie dell'attenzione


I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I have, as we can see from this and could have been seen from the now dissapeared comments PEACE GC = Hungary.

Have a pleasant evening.