If this was a magazine cover...

Day 1,765, 19:31 Published in Canada Canada by M. Loiselle


Mary Chan refused to go for a sex change. On the subject, she said that balls were too sensible, as she noticed while kicking President Cleaver's right back in.

On the same order, the creators of Where is Waldo? are back with a new, more difficult album. It will be therefore known as Where is Wally?


Is Acacia Mason a ghost? I don't know, but I sure as hell didn't feel anything last night when we f... err, enjoy a hot beverage. That's what we did, right.


If Addy is the Daddy, it explains why everything is so messed up in this game!


Vox Pop: Area rug, pro or con?

That will be all for this piece of garbage that I call a newspaper. It was Loiselle for L'exceptionnel who would like to remind you: Vote MC for CP. Yup, I said it.