If Only We Had Elite leaders.

Day 1,792, 20:19 Published in USA Canada by olivermellors

From the pen of longtime American player, presently top dog of the CNTL alliance:


The United States, ….. play erepublik, by all appearances, for the glory of victory in battle.

I tell you, with pleasure, that I had the notion of invading Canada for many months so that the United States could shed her MPP stack and start something new. I tested the waters on April Fool's Day and was amazed at how easy it was going to be to push the United Stated to NE Canada. I worked with Code-Y over the months for an opportune time. It does not matter if you believe me or not, but the United States needed to do something drastic to prove to the eWorld that we were ready for something new.

……The United States was again split on whether Canada was a real enemy or whether we were picking on them for 'another' reason. Indeed, we were picking on them for another reason, to create CTRL. Many in the United States hated or still hate the notion of CTRL. There are varied reasons, but the over-whelming majority think it is only Poland and Serbia's attempt to pull the United States and Brazil into the ONE sphere of influence.

….The United States has stuck to the spirit of the charter, to its own danger. The United States is now under a Poltical Take-Over Threat from Serbian nationals.

…..I ask you to consider what the United States has done.


Long suspected, a number of USA administrations decided and executed a plan to invade its oldest and best ally in order to gain domestic credibility for a really bad new alliance. And they all lied about it. They lied to me and to their population. They blamed others. They invented false explanations and accusations and all sorts of rubbish.

Is it a wonder that Poland and Spain, seeing how the USA treated eCanada, know that they will get no different treatment when the chips are down? If you wanted to convince them to keep their old friends close, nothing could be more persuasive than the proud admissions of double-dealing made by the USA’s specially chosen leader of this alliance.

I do wish we had elite players as leaders.

What you see here is nothing of the kind. It is rank self-centered grasping behavior which ignores the interests of a majority of players. It is characteristic of those who think it "strong" to push past everyone and anything to reach a goal. It is further expressed in policies such as deliberate loss of bonuses, a policy in which the administration perseveres absent any data supporting its effectiveness.

None of this is very surprising nor should it dredge up strong emotions. It will continue to be run of the mill moribund ordinary. Change will not come from the poison pill AFA. I do wish that the administration would stop making Ajay’s job easier though.