I Love Hungary

Day 2,096, 04:36 Published in Romania Romania by Romanian Liberator
English version:

In the last days I've read several articles asking us to start once again "the holy fight against our worst enemies, Hungary". Also, I have spoken to friends in Hungary who told me that similar things are happening in their country, extremists and trying to persuade everybody that Romanian and Hungary need to be enemies "as they are in RL".

In Real Life, I feel only friendship towards Hungary. I have friends there, I visit Hungary every year and I think Romanian and Hungary can be close friends, neighbors and brothers in the EU. Of course we have our extremists, of course they have theirs. But I am sure those people don't look for our countries best interest, they look for their own political agenda and they do it all for their own political power and, why not, financial gain.

Is the same in this game. Romania and Hungary have been enemies for years and this went do far that players in both country left the game tired to fight only against each other. Now is there any reason not to become friends in the future? Is just a game, let's play it in all its possibilities! I want to be friend with Hungary and I see no reason to hide it! I want to go conquer Alaska and Antarctica not fight against Hungary (or any other country) every single day of my eLife!

It will be a long list of "Vadim Tudor" and "Tokes" cursing me in the comments to this article. This is because they cannot accept a real dialogue, they cannot accept exploring all options and they cannot accept free exchange of opinions, they hate is all they see and their beliefs are absolute. Hopefully, the rest of us, the majority of beautiful people, will prevail. Also, I will never stop telling what I think just because others will curse me 🙂

Note: this is a personal opinion, it does not involve in any way the current Romanian Government, Templierii MU and my political party.

Versiunea in limba romana:

In ultimele zile am vazut tot felul de articole care ne indeamna "sa reluam lupta sfanta impotriva dusmanilor de moarte, ungurii". Reciproc, si pe la ei s-au trezit ca printr-o mare coincidenta unii sa strige impotriva romanilor, sustinand ca noi si ungurii suntem "dusmani in RL".

Ei bine, in viata reala eu am o puternica simpatie si prietenie fata de unguri. Imi place Budapesta, am prieteni acolo, ma duc in fiecare an in vizita. Cred sincer ca extremistii de ambele parti, precum Vadim Tudor sau Tokes, nu urmaresc nici pe departe interesul national, ci doar interesul lor politic, isi fac campanie pe credulitatea noastra si, in final, fac asta pentru bani si putere. Romania si Ungaria sunt tari vecine si pot fi prietene si aliate, sustinadu-si reciproc interesele in cadrul UE.

In acest joc, Romania si Ungaria au fost adversari ani de zile. Sute de jucatori s-au lasat de joc, plictisiti ca tot ce facem e sa luptam zi de zi cu Ungaria. Ba-i stergeam noi pe ei, ba ne stergeau ei pe noi. Eu as vrea sa incercam toate optiunile pe care le ofera jocul. Pentru ca este UN JOC! As vrea sa fim prieteni cu ungurii si, impreuna, sa ocupam Alaska si Antarctica! Nu vreau sa am in fiecare zi acelasi regim de mancare, paine cu salam, unguri si castraveti!

Evident, astept la acest articol multiple injuraturi si atacuri la persoana, avem destui "Vadim Tudori" si "Tokesi" in joc din pacate. Dar niciodata nu voi ezita sa imi spun sincer si deschis opiniile, doar pentru ca ma vor injura altii. In final, cred ca majoritatea jucatorilor sunt oameni frumosi, care vor gasi un mod de a se uni si de a comunica pe baza de argumente, schimb de opinii, civilizat si elegant, pentru a putea ajunge la concluzii impreuna. Nu spun ca parerea mea este sigura valabila, este doar ... o parere 🙂

Nota: acest articol exprima strict o parere personala, nu are nici o legatura cu pozitia Guvernului Romaniei, a UM Templierii sau a partidului politic din care fac parte.