I know you're out there

Day 950, 12:32 Published in USA Canada by Haliman

I'm paranoid. There was a 10 vote spike against me in the last 5 minutes. This has brought me to conclude...

Someone out there doesn't like me.

They're probably jealous of my awesome paper LOLWUT

Really though, what was the point of depriving the country of a senator that actually worked?

I have also concluded this person/these persons are idiots

You don't have to reveal yourself to the public. If you have the stones, reveal yourself to me, personally. PM me if you must.


Now, news.

/ me needs a job!

I made a gdoc on what you guys think I should do next. Vote here!


Also, some people in Project Mayhem may have seen I quit my job at MF Hospitals.

I'm broke! 😨

I counted on those gifts and food to supply me, but I didn't get them every night, and I'm losing monies!

So, Mr. Monopoly Man (you have been quiet lately), I'm sorry!
