I dream about Great eChina...

Day 832, 14:56 Published in China Poland by kryty
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:aN7Gofmm4Ue3nM:http://www.acus.org/files/u3/china-flag-wave.jpg align="> China in the real worl😛

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:5vDyrLzlsD8ZhM:http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/images/stories/large/2008/10/17/zhang_cuiying_mountain-bridge-hut.jpg" align="left"> China - the greatest ancient civilisation in the World with many inventions (paper, gunpowder), with amazing Wonders of the World... the famous Great Wall, but also many less known as Leshan Giant Buddha or Forbidden City...

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:s_Xz_8Z3LPariM:http://www.orientaloutpost.com/usa/1507.jpg" align="right">
China - the home of Sun Tzu & The Chinese terracotta army.

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:4kpC8tm2FgNuDM:http://www.the-gallery-of-china.com/chinese-art-painting-Mi4122.jpg" align="left">
China - the home of amazing art, culture & philosophy...

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:oK_V2_2Nt0U-vM:http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2179/2284977041_5aee79eef2.jpg" align="right"> Modern China - one of the richest and the most populated country in the world. Country wich I admire for its outstanding economic growth.

eChina in eRepublik...

-> 11th in population ranking with 9630 citizens... only slightly more than Bulgaria

-> 17th place in experience points ranking... far after Junior 😐

-> Four regions under enemy occupation.

-> Two high iron regions - both in enemy's hands.

I've got a message for you ... WAKE UP eCHINA ! http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:cppRp5_4Wc3kCM:http://cekolada.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/budzik.jpg" align="right">

-> MAKE A BABY BOOM! Show your friends how amazing game is eRepublik.

-> Invite them into game and help them to became strong and useful citizens.

-> Crate a strong & professional National Army!

-> Keep warm relations with friendly nations - we in Brotherhood of EDEN know the value of China as a friend and its future potental.

->And finally - fight back all your regions, re-unite your country again!

PS. If you don't know how to make a Baby-Boom... ask Poland (;
PS. 2. Congrats to my friend Zhou San for getting a Congress seat again. Keep your work Zhou!

At the end as always, what I admire the most - beautiful Chinese girl this time... (;

You are right. One is not enough! (;

This one is very sad because Heilongjiang is Hungarian...

Let's cheer her up! (;


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