I Am America (And So Can You!) .:Journalism:.

Day 422, 16:48 Published in USA USA by John C

Welcome to the first installment of I Am America (And So Can You!) by John C of E Pluribus Unum

The topic of the article is: Journalism


Rule 1- Do not talk about real world events
People play eRepublik to get away from the real world. They don't want to hear about Barack Obama getting inaugurated, or how George Bush embarrassed himself again. They want to hear eRepublik News. Your basic options are: War, Economy, Politics, and Suggestions to admin. The suggestions are to be used sparingly, and these are of course not the only topics, they are just very broad ones.

Rule 2- Do not write a big block of text
When somebody clicks on your article and sees a page full of just words in one big paragraph, the are most likely to not read it and move on. But you want them to read your article that you worked hard on, so you have to make it look appealing. You can do that by adding pictures/graphs in the middle, make multiple paragraphs that go along with different topics in your article, and using links and bold. Just take my article for example, it is put into other paragraphs, using links and bold, and lines to split the article up.

Rule 3- Use spell check and Word
The most frustrating thing is reading an article written like this:
"So wtf is up wit the PeaCE thing? They like attackd us?! We shud fight back cuz we are like over 9000 times better".
Nobody except the writer wants to read anything like that. It is hard to read, and makes your look unintelligent. Also, don't use acronyms, they can confuse your readers. If your browser does not have spellcheck (Mozilla FireFox does) copy and paste your article in a Word Document (Does not have to be word, any text editor will work) and write your article in there. Then when you are all done and spell checked, you can copy and paste it into eRepublik. But don't forget Rule 2 then!

Rule 4- Edit your article after publishing
The second to last rule I have for you is to edit your article after you have published it. You might find little mistakes that spell check and your proof reading didn't find. Also, sadly, people write a whole article talking about their other article. You don't need to do that, just edit the one article. A culprit of not editing and making an other article is good old Micheal Lewis.

Rule 5- Don't leave your article!
The last rule I have for you, is to come back to check up on your article. When people comment on your article, they often pose questions at you and want to hear what you say. So don't write it and forget it, go back to your article and talk to your commenters/subscribers.

I really hopes this helps you get a girl in bed. Oh wait wrong conclusion...

I really hope this helps your newspaper get votes and subscribers!

Vote, comment, subscribe, and be sure to watch out for my next installment of "I Am America (And So Can You!)