How to Win: Day 1

Day 514, 10:26 Published in USA USA by Equality 7-2521

This is the first part of a series of walk-throughs starting with Day 1.

All of this information can be found on the podcast at PODCAST

XP = Experience Points
Wp = Wellness points

Step 1: Birth (no link required, you’re already there)

Step 2: Get first job Manufacturing - Land - Constructions
Tip 1: Chose a job at a Q1 company, which is one with only 1 star.
Status: Level 1; 5 XP; 50 wp

Step 3: Work Work link
Tip 2: Work every day, as you gain 1 XP each day and 5 gold for a Hard Worker medal every 30 days straight.
Status: Level 1; 6 XP; 49 wp; 0.5 job skill

Step 4: Buy Food Q1
Tip 3: Eat every day by making sure that you have at least one piece of food in your inventory at the end of every day. You will eat automatically when the next day starts. You can buy more than one piece of food at a time.
Status: Level 1; 6 XP; 49 wp; 0.5 job skill; 1+ Q1 food inventory

Step 5: Upload Avatar (initial) Edit Profile
Tip 4: Find any .jpg picture on the Internet if you don’t have one saved on your computer that you want to use already. Alternatively, just right-click and save the picture currently in your avatar and upload that. It may be cheap but it works. If you want to personalize your citizen, though, this is really the only way to do it, so have fun with it.
Status: Level 2; 8 XP; 49 wp; 0.5 job skill; 1+ Q1 food inventory; shiny new avatar

LEVEL 2 ACHIEVED! Ability to TRAIN unlocked!

Step 6: Train Train (Army) link
Status: Level 2; 9 XP; 48 wp; 1.5 strength – rank of private; 0.5 job skill; 1+ Q1 food inventory
Tip 5: Train every day. There is no other way to increase your strength. You gain 1 XP from training daily, while only losing 1 wp. After reaching a strength of 5, you achieve your first Super Soldier medal and 5 gold.

You can do nothing else today. Don’t bother trying to fight in any war, vote in any election, join any party, start a company or a newspaper or run for elected office. You can do these things if you buy an unlock features package. But, part of the fun in the game is achieving and earning these options and features.

In the meantime, you can sign up for the forums HERE or check out IRC on Did you want free food? Just click here FREE FOOD . Do you want to learn more about our armed forces so you’re prepared when it is your turn to fight? Join the National Guard here Guard Enlistment form.
I will take any and all questions now in the comments section or via PM.