How to make money BITCH!!!

Day 1,319, 12:14 Published in USA USA by jssuzuki

Why do I have a symbol of bread on the picture? Simple. SELL BREAD. Bread is the answer to everything. Since the new rules of replenishment of health every hour came out, people will kick some ass then get their family jewels kicked and will buy food... and lots of it. Knock a couple of cents off the best deal and within two minutes, much of your products is gone(if not all of it...). I know what your first question is probably going to be. Won't I decrease in profits if I do??? Yes. But keep in mind that your sale is going to be at the top since it's the best deal and people are going to buy it. Why would they bother to buy the same thing for more money? It is also better for the eAmerican Economy. If your a major player of eRepublic, then you may be able to sway the economy making the entire country marketplace a little bit richer...

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