How to Get More Out of eRepublik Part I

Day 565, 10:34 Published in USA USA by Prince Corwin

This series of articles is for those of you out there who want more out of their time in the eRepublik. I've gotten a lot of requests for input on this subject, and while I'm not an expert by any means, I think there are some basic things anyone can do to increase their involvement. Many of you have expressed your frustration in your attempts to dive deeper into the game and to this I respond with a truth that should help:

eRepublik is not a game of instant gratification!

As 99% of all games revolve around the idea of a “quick fix”, this gets overlooked. Clicking train and seeing your Strength rise from 4.04 to 4.08 is not the same as getting a head shot in a first person shooter! On the other hand, seeing the results of hard work and planning pay off a month down the road can be very rewarding. Or devastating! Recently the eUS planned and waited a month for an attack on eRussia only to have the plans leaked at the last minute!

Knowing this means understanding that the game is also a test of patience. This is a real challenge! Its easy to get antsy in this game, but try your best to enjoy the journey of it. If you look at many of the successful players, they have been playing seriously for many months. Don't expect a quick rise to power, especially if your only playing for 30 min a day.

Whatever you wish to accomplish is largely based upon the quality and quantity of your personal network.

The game is billed as a SOCIAL strategy game. Making friends and building a network is built into the mechanics of the game. There are different ways to do this and for this article I'm going to focus on joining a pre-existing network.

The fastest way to access a network is to join a party which is organized. But don't assume that just by joining a party your game experience will be magically transformed. You still need to get involved with them. Get to know the members. Volunteer your time. Make yourself known! It's OK not to know as much as other people, so never be afraid to ask questions. I've found that before I ask a question though, I try first to find the answer in the forums. This makes me read more, and most of the time I can find the answer myself.

Some short term goals when you join a party:

-Find out who is in charge of helping new members.

- Pick a time slot that you can dedicate to volunteer work for your party and make it known. Be sure to follow through once picked. Everyone likes consistency!

- Realize that one way or another, before you gain influence in the game, you will be paying some form of dues. This usually entails grunt work for the party. People will notice and appreciate this! A lot of volunteer work revolves around the elections, so keep that in mind. Again, forming relationships takes time. Be patient with people and don't think you are entitled to anything.

- Always stay positive in your conversations.

- Learn who the leaders in the party are and what their jobs are. Keep your eyes open for a position that appeals to you. Then you can have something to aspire to.

- Join and be active in your party's irc chat. The chat is mostly filled with ass and penis jokes, but there is its fair share of game talk too. Don't go overboard on dirty humor to impress people. When you get in the chat, do more listening than talking. If you have a question, you can private chat someone.

- Make a spreadsheet of people you have good conversations with! Try to add to that list as much as possible. Remember, the main goal is to grow your network, so keep track of it!

I hope these tips help! I realize a lot of you read the above suggestions and said, “Man, I ain't no follower to no party!”. Thats OK, the party system isn't for everyone. Stay tuned for my next article which will cater more to you lone-wolf types!

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