How to become an elitist - 10 step guide

Day 1,221, 20:15 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

1) Ego stroke the established community!
This starts by making small comments about the whole, particular party, or group of people. You have to be careful however if you want to become an elitist you need to know which group belongs to what. Don't pick out an individual yet because you probably aren't familiar with everyone. Think of it as high school... Do you want to be known as the kid who hangs with the geeks? I don't think so, so go ahead and praise the USWP! Don't forget to label yourself as a Dioist either, that's what all the cool kids do.

2) Bandwagon their ideas no matter the content!
Once you're familiar with the elitist community, now is the time to start mimicking some of the players. Be careful of original thought and content!!! You don't want to stick out just yet. Nothing angers an elitist more then competition, just regurgitate and praise the OP and you'll be fine.

Remember, the elitist is always right... even when they're wrong.

3) Don't forget to make threads praising the dear leaders!

Cult of Personality Definition: A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise. A cult of personality is similar to hero worship, except that it is established by mass media and propaganda.

This can be done easily - Example: referring America as Emerika
A tiny bit of creativity is fine, just don't go overboard.

4) Slowly become one of them
This is perhaps the longest and most difficult step since it requires an elitist to acknowledge your brown nosing. You'll know that you are on the right step when they invite you to hold a cabinet position in a party or ask you to run for Congress. But don't think you've made it because this is also where the road ends for many failures who think they're now somewhat important. It's a test to see if you can follow the chain of command, which is to say you're still on the bottom... but congratulations! You're on the food chain at least.

5) Up and coming star, or the flash before going out.
Main contributers to failure: Inactivity, IRL lives, inability to ass kiss, and last but not least luck/timing. It's a true tragedy when you see someone almost make it, then something happens, and they spiral out of control leading to rage quit... Their hopes and dreams foiled by the elitist community. Like I said earlier, elitists do not appreciate competition and they will butt heads with you sooner or later. The longer you can go without conflict the higher the chance you'll make it.

6) Congress 5X+, Party President of the USWP, my god son you've made it!
By now you'll probably notice that you are collecting ass kissers of your own. This will now allow you to start thinking for yourself. You can come up with all sorts of horrible ideas and people will agree with you because of how elitist you are. Sure other occasional elitists may challenge you (they are known to eat their own to gain further fame) but if you have acquired a large enough fan-base this won't matter. You won't have to appease or be civil to anyone. The Admins on the forums will at worse wave a finger at you in disapproval.

7) Run for POTUS and WIN!!!
The ultimate test of your elitist status, If you win you are now an elitist for life! Gratz

8 ) Now that you're an e-god, now what?
Steal gold from the US Treasury (Uncle Sam), get banned, start over as a noob

9) ???

10) Profit

A) Being in the military will earn you respect - FALSE

- Being in the military will not give or take any elitist points. The military is on a whole different reality.

Example: Sir Valaro Volcrum, former Commanding General of the United States Mobile Infantry never got an ounce of respect from the elitist community. Why? Because he spoke his mind. Yet we have others like Harlot who commanded a lot of respect from the establishment. Why is this? You tell me.

B ) Gender equality exists in this game - False

- If you have tits, you will automatically earn alot of points with elitists due to the gender gap. Just remember the golden rule... It has nothing to do with your brain, and everything to do with tits. Once you learn how to exploit this golden apple. You'll get far. Ask Claire Littleton.

Sit back and watch the hate comments unfold below 😎