How Nowe became the President of eJapan:

Day 1,726, 10:44 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

Introductory Remarks:

Nowe claims that he is honest, as quoted from his recent article (which was twice deleted by admins):

“I've never lied to you, and I've never lied to anyone. I'll admit anything, because I pride myself on being honest.” --Nowe--

But how did Nowe manage to become the President of eJapan? The answer is very simple: By killing off all of his potential opponents.

Part 1: How Nowe got support to run for President of eJapan

In IRC channel #eJapan: (7/20)
22:04 (Nowe) I agree with this.
22:04 (Nowe) I want a suicidal mission into Canada pls.
22:05 (exreality) [13:22] MasturBacon: yo alfred-ball
22:05 (exreality) you around?
22:05 (exreality) Yeah I am here bro
22:05 (exreality) What's up
22:05 (exreality) If Canada attacks and actually tries to win
22:05 (exreality) Can Japan help out?
22:05 (exreality) I'm p sure they wont, just covering bases.
22:05 (exreality) Yes, we would do that for sure
22:05 (exreality) Where do you think they will attack?
22:05 (exreality) It depends.
22:05 (exreality) If they issue it, Alaska
22:05 (exreality) If they let autoattack, no idea.
22:05 (exreality) Rylde said he would attack Alaska, so I dunno.
22:05 (exreality) Yeah we would be happy to NE Canada
22:05 (exreality) [14:28] /人◕‿‿◕人\: yep
22:06 (Nowe) Doppppe.
22:07 (Alfred-Ball) Nowe: there is a topic in the discreet forums about it
22:07 (Alfred-Ball) Could use some support
22:07 (Nowe) Lol is ahava and sumeragi being retarded
…. (random chat about drinking, etc.)…
22:16 (Nowe) replied to the thread albert
22:16 (Fruitcommando) for maximum revenge points
22:18 (Akki) lol nowe, run for president 😛
22:18 (Fruitcommando) no
22:18 (Nowe) I was actually considering it for next month.

Chat between Nowe and me in Game: (7/23)
Then I send Nowe PM in game if he wanted to run for president since he’s been doing good job for eJapan lately and I wanted to someone who haven’t been a president in the last to run for the position of the president of eJapan again. Sadly, it is deleted, since it is older than 14 days, but basically, I promise him that I will throw ULJ support for president to Nowe if he wanted to run, unless he did anything crazy before he is elected.

Chat between Alfred Balls and me: (7/23)
21:08 (Alfred-Ball) Can you support me for CP under the ULJ?
21:08 (Alfred-Ball) I am going to talk to Danyeo tonight
21:08 (Alfred-Ball) The other option is Nowe
21:08 (Alfred-Ball) and I have been running the gov for the past two months behind the scenes, other then the MoF which you do.
21:08 (Akki) I sent nowe telling him I'm willing to support him like 1 hour ago alfred, lol
21:09 (Alfred-Ball) Fuck man
21:09 (Alfred-Ball) Nowe?!
21:09 (Alfred-Ball) He doesn't do dick
21:15 (Akki) Alfred, problem is, I don't think recycling same old president over and over is smart sterategy.
21:15 (Alfred-Ball) Pass me up for anything but Nowe
21:15 (Alfred-Ball) Okay let get Fruitcommando then
21:16 (Akki) Better have few month with older president, followed by some experimenting with the new, it could let political field to be shacken up.
21:16 (Alfred-Ball) Lol but all I am saying is ANYONE BUT NOWE
21:16 (Akki) I will not support fruitcommando again for president Alfred.
21:16 (Alfred-Ball) But you will support someone who would sell his own grandmother for political gain
21:19 (Alfred-Ball) He better keep me on as MoFA and do what I say like exReality has been
21:19 (Akki) I know you can run government well, I'm not doubting your ability.
21:19 (Akki) Yeah, I should tell him that if he decides to come asking me for support near the election.
21:20 (Akki) He's still not "decided" so you still have ways to get him out *wink*
21:20 (Alfred-Ball) I am this close to getting us in with the Americans hardcore again
21:20 (Akki) oh, is nowe diehard america fan?
21:21 (Alfred-Ball) he is a diehard lets be small and useless fan
21:21 (Alfred-Ball) Also a hardcore power addict
21:21 (Alfred-Ball) Hence his 7x vCP accomplishments
21:25 (Alfred-Ball) In any case sorry for ranting.
21:26 (Alfred-Ball) Just i put to much time in this game
21:26 (Alfred-Ball) A little to much
21:26 (Akki) no problem. I maybe rushed to tell nowe that I might be interested in endorsing him, thanks for letting me know you are interested in presidency.
21:27 (Akki) I know you are much more active than me, and actually do more job than me, and you know I would support you if I haven't thrown the idea of endorsing nowe to him.
21:29 (Alfred-Ball) I know bro
21:29 (Alfred-Ball) Should have got to you earlier

Note: Random talks about non-related stuff are cut out for conciseness with ellipses (…)
Note 2: All the prophecy from Alfred Ball about Nowe’s presidency has come true, after Nowe went mad.

Part 2: Nowe killing off his opponents

Chat between Nowe and me: (07/26)
22:14 (Nowe) Alfred isn't really CP.
22:15 (Nowe) Apparently danyeo wants to troll ahava, so they're going to switch me in on the last day, and want me to get support from ULJ in the mean time. Idk it's a stupid troll imo, but ahava is getting pretty excited about this.
22:15 (Nowe) Its ridiculous
22:18 (Akki) lol
22:18 (Akki) Alfred really not running?
22:18 (Nowe) nah
22:19 (Nowe) I'm running, he's staying MoFA.
22:19 (Akki) he ranted on me few days ago asking me for my support, when I told him I gave you the green signal 1 hour before he contacted me, lol
22:19 (Nowe) hahaha
22:19 (Nowe) yeah he contacted me a few days ago around that time
22:19 (Nowe) when he found out i wanted to run
22:20 (Nowe) then we worked out him not running.

Chat between Tetsuya Tameru and me: (07/27)
00:02 (tetsuya_tameru) ok, I have a moral question.
00:03 (tetsuya_tameru) I'm being asked to swap out ahava at last minute.
00:03 (Akki) by whom?
00:04 (Akki) your party, or outside group?
00:04 (tetsuya_tameru) outside group.
00:04 (tetsuya_tameru) Its a moral dillema for me
00:04 (tetsuya_tameru) see, I didn't want to run ahava, not really.
00:05 (tetsuya_tameru) BUT its what the party wanted, mostly. and I admire her spirit. on the other hand, I'm being asked to betray brutally in this tactic with the explicit purpose being to crush her spirit so she doesnt run again
00:05 (tetsuya_tameru) that has been literally mentioned by the asker as the purpose

00:05 (tetsuya_tameru) thing is, I don't like betrayal
00:05 (Akki) As much as I have personal distaste for ahava, I wouldn't secretly swap ahava out in the last minute, since it would put your position within your party in jepardy.
00:05 (tetsuya_tameru) so i'm torn
00:06 (tetsuya_tameru) I don't even care about the elections of PP really
00:06 (Akki) I think the moral answer (from my personal opinion) is to either stick with Ahava, or start thread in your party forum stating your opinion.
00:06 (tetsuya_tameru) my problem comes from not wanting to betray another player who from my perspective is retarded but means well.
00:07 (Akki) It's really tough issue, since you already have ahava endorsed.
00:07 (tetsuya_tameru) it is.
00:07 (Akki) But you are PP, so you do have last call in this. But I wouldn't do this in the last minute.
00:08 (tetsuya_tameru) ok, to be blunt and level, nowe is the one asking.
00:08 (Akki) lol nowe.


So yeah, the only reason Nowe won was because he coordinated behind everyone’s back to get both Ahava and Alfred Ball from running in the last election. Quite an trustworthy and honest guy really.

Edit 1: In response to Nowe accusation that I forced Nowe to put me in MoF

I don't think I would have walked out of my Cabinet position so gracefully if I really cared much for position of power in eJapan like Nowe. Really Nowe, can you put up or shut up?

00:00 (Akki) Oh, and I will be making announcement on my resignation soon in game nowe, so please remove my cabinet status from the forum and power in IRC.
00:00 (Nowe) Will do.
😇3 (Nowe) I just wanted to let you know that it's extremely immature for someone who claims he only cares about eJapan to resign from the most important position in the country simply because I'm willing to look past the fact I don't really like Sumeragi to get her help. I respect you a lot, like I love Kokawa, but now I just feel retarded for trying so hard to prove
😇3 (Nowe) myself to you and these other selfish assbutts.
😇4 (Nowe) Thank you for teaching me along the way Akki.
😇4 (Akki) nowe that's fine. I feel the same way about trying to give you a chance, and persuading Alfred to not run for presidency.
😇5 (Nowe) Thanks a$$hole.
😇6 (Akki) no problem. I'll still be around nowe, unlike those, so you still get to deal with an a$$hole like me for rest of the month.
😇6 (Akki) enjoy.

Note: Original a$$hole was not censored, but it is censored for media purposes.

Note 2: I was banned from #nippon soon after all this by Nowe along with other random people because Nowe was just a Mad child.