Hospital Project update

Day 651, 12:37 Published in USA USA by The Legacy Trust

171/5000 q2 produced.

The hospital factory should be liberated in the next few days, as spain's reconquest of its native lands continues to occur at a rapid rate.

However, we need more workers badly- we are at 171/5000 q2 wood needed. This is a non-profit project by the community, for the community, and if your pariticpating, thank you. If your not, Please sign up to work at Legacy Lumber and help us get cracking, we need to get enough wood so that we can put a construction team to work. It doesn't matter if your land skill is 0 or 15, we can use your axe.

Wages across all skills are 1 USD, and the reason for this is to provide the hospital at the cheapest cost possible to the eUS government. We however need your help, the more volunteers we have, the faster this will go. So please, lend a couple days and chop some wood for eUSA. Also, shout this out, bring this project to the attention of your friends, have enough saved to keep you in food for a couple days and help out.