Hitting back on the BS from Callum, XG and Co.

Day 1,858, 11:25 Published in USA Australia by Lord TJ

Note: This relates to eAustralian politics

This is going to be the most straight-forward response to the various pieces of political and personal propaganda flying around and correcting the version of events peddled in large part by Callumh123 and other members of eAus's branches of government.

Myth: DoFA had a fixed position from the Executive and Senate on CoT.

Fact: The history over the past 12 months shows that eAus was still clinging onto Euro hope.

Straight up and to the point - if anyone in eAustralia deserves the credit for foreshadowing CoT's rise to power and leading the charge, it was me. (Ask the Indos - they'll tell you straight up). Not even the Grand Poobah of Soothsaying Majester himself came out of the Cave of Wonders and stopped rubbing his magic lamp.

I was the first most senior public official in eAustralia, arguably the only citizen in eAustralia at the time, who was advocating the geo-political changes in the Pacific region and what was coming around the corner.

Myth: The next candidates for CP are pro CoT

Fact: The flip-floppers going against their own record

True, people can change their mind under reasonable circumstances - but hearts never.

This is especially the case for folks like Xavier Griffith - a person who was proven to be recently, up until there was another CP medal opportunity up for grabs, as indecisive on foreign policy as one can get. I have to say this was surprising given his history - but that's just it isn't it? History - and a completely different New World to the last time he was CP.

He had a unique opportunity to rally support for the negotiation, but instead decided to bite at the government every chance he could. Now we know why and that it was for political purposes. Especially since I found out last night from Larni herself, publicly stating it for all to see in #ausrep that XG's been looking to run since last month. How typical a move can one make..

Now as for Callumh123 this is nothing new. Top bloke much like XG, but swings with the wind and would sell out the Dear Father himself to look innocent. Key problem there is that one of the fellas he sold out in his recent article was Tim Holtz - a 1000000x DoFA staffer (metaphorically speaking) on more shores that eAus alone. This is going to wreak havoc in diplomatic quarters and it's already raised a few eyebrows.

Allies that used to help in these situations: eAus keeps looking and haven't realised they're already gone

On phone: 'Da fuq is eAustralia playing at?'

eUnited States .. eBrazil - they've LOLd and had enough of the to-and-fro c/- the eAus Senate's vote, reject-err-revote? on eChile.

Myth: Senate was trying to work with the government on eChile and it was ignored.

Fact: Right up until the (final) vote on the Chile and Australia Act 2012 there were some Senators and political backroom dwellers doing everything in order to shanghai the bill.

When you have a look at the Senate leadership en masse it's no wonder. Flatty and Binda33 are like dynamite. Safe as when separate, but put these two together in the Speakership it's like attaching the fuse and taking a match to it. It becomes one huge RP mini series on the very bullsht laws they came up with (largely under XG). Next thing it's 'OH the government's fault - let's find a reason to cause drama'.

Speaker Flatty over at Binda's playing with her pussy.

Now I get what many have said about those 'laws' they come up with in a desperate attempt to legitimise their bullsht - gives the cat people something to do in lieu of anything substantial.

Now come on .. Binda had her longtime APP buddy witherd1 spying for her in Cabinet (had to be - we WERE the administration the rest were absent like spring break hit and the problem wasn't coming from DoFA). Originally witherd had a legit beef with DoFA.

Yet when he learned that we weren't getting anything from CP Greg MaCGregor and any time we did it was a whinge and a moan (considering a cave drawing has more understanding of foreign affairs than Greg does) he was still more interested in pointing fingers back at the DoFA team until I had no choice but to slap him.

Hint: Watch to see if Callum gets a job offer in the next administration. If he does, it's obvious he was the turncoat against Tim all along.

What was Senate's beef and how did it escalate?

Originally and at some stages through I came down on their side and they had a legit point - they weren't getting any info on the eChile deal. For starters - and to clear this up - that was 100% Greg MaCGregor's doing.

Yeah we smacked them down .. only out of principle.

That's the way they all became the CP bunch o.O

When I took on the job in FA this term (after Greg and Larni when she was still a Minister asked me to help) after it was obvious everything was going to hell back in eAus, I practically had to threaten Greg to hand DoFA his foreign policy position so we had something to go on. I.E. was he in or out of a CoT movement? In one of the last communications we had, he finally directed us pro CoT.

(This is the historic problem with most CPs of any stripe - they think they're politicians first, statesmen second).

With the exception of Ranger Bob, you'd be hard pressed to find a recent knowledgeable and hard working CP who could score multiple consecutive terms. Greg had no political capital to save up .. the dithering was a dumb lag on his part from start to finish and it made Senate more pissed.

So how did things go pear shaped?

For starters, I'd like to know what kind of crack witherd1 was smoking as he was hitting DoFA almost as much as Senate was. He was in the chain of most discussions and if not he was caught up back in not long after. It was explained to him time .. and time .. and time again - we had no orders from the CP to proceed EDEN v CoT or anything. No orders on MPP renewals (aka a DoFA team's bread and butter gig first up) - zilch. How witherd could possibly turn that around on us with any degree of clarity is laughable.

But as he's up against XG - the same practice applies when running for CP and trying to play the 'blame the Cabinet' card - How typical a move can one make..

TL😉R summing up (largely for Infin) .. what went wrong?

- Politics by the future candidates
- Politics by the anti-government Senators
- More politics closer to the Senate and CP elections

.. but this time it cost eAustralia a massive premium -

it took a lot of good people down with it.

Although the Mayans lost out on the 'end of the world/the new millennium is upon us!' theory, eAus might fill the void ..

Now you've been set straight, I want to take this moment to say a few thank yous ..

Thanks to everyone who kept fighting against eChile when you were told not to..

Thanks to the Senators who stuffed around with the CAA vote and sent the wrong message to eChile at the wrong time which cost the counter-offer ..

Thanks to Greg for being more stupid than was thought humanly possible from another homosapien ..

Thanks to Larni for annointing James Rellori in previous terms
(yeah mate come on you know you did! 😛 )

Last, but certainly not least -

Thanks for showing that some are more interested in CP medals than saving their country

Now here's the medal you want:

Congratulations, you have earned the I Shut Down eAustralia achievement. You have earned 5 gold.