Hey Canada, what's up bros?

Day 833, 21:20 Published in Canada USA by Bradley Reala

O Canada! Our home and native land!

Hey Canada, I haven't seen much Bro lovin' recently, and I got tired of all the American articles bitching about the economy or demonizing Lana or just pointing fingers in general, so I came here to remind you guys that you're freaking awesome.

You guys deserve every bit of lovin' you get, and I can't wait for the next time our nations intertwine. Just like when we went to up Nunavut, or you guys came down to visit us in Delaware, we're gonna keep on doing awesome bro things for each other.

Oh, and for my American readers, vote this article to show Canada how much we love 'em!

By the way, I debated on using this picture first or last, but here's another reason to love Canada 😉

Yeah, ok, it's a bit shameless, but I found it and wanted to use it. Don't get used to it, this is a classy paper. 😛