Hello Hungary, The Famous US Military Isn't Really All That Concerned About You

Day 922, 12:04 Published in USA Canada by Simulare

(in response to hello usa the world famous hungarian cavalry has arrived)

But, go right ahead and play with your little horses! Its very cute! Or, do you prefer rugged? Though, if this is your idea of "Rugged", maybe "cute" is more appropriate.

Brave Hungarian dude on a horse with cute green plume in his hat.

But, there's more to Hungary than cute green plumes and horses. They are an elite fighting force - always fighting for freedom and justice - Nobody remembers that they opted to fight with Hitler and the Axis powers during WWII, but, its ok.. We're all buddies now. They enjoy carrying our flag, hanging out with our soldiers for photos, and helping with ceremonies to honor our fallen.

And, we are happy to support them - even with the little things.

"American soldier helps Hungarians figure out how to tighten a bolt"

We know how much you care about our approval and its very touching. You're welcome to visit and buy some American blue jeans and cigarettes. Just so long as you remember your place and stay in line.

We made cute little key chains for you in honor of your visit and then we realized, "Horses don't need keys. D'oh!" Still, we hope you enjoy them!
