Headless chicken report [2012 Military Summit][Part 3]

Day 1,851, 00:00 Published in Romania Romania by Naufragiatu

Let’s recap a bit. We’ve talked about:

1. The summit from my pov (porn is not included);
2. New map + 3. Guerilla fights;

And now it’s time for the final part

4. Other features and suggestions

After an almost unanimously show of hands, Alliances could be implemented in-game. A country’s congress should vote on allegiance. We could have besides from the CoD (Campaign of the Day) and the DO (Daily Order) another battle on our homepage – Alliance Campaign of the Day or something like that. Overcrowded my homepage might be. Automatical signing of MPPs was suggested, however certain countries might find this a problem given their small income. Also alliance wide automathic distribution of currency/weapons/food might be introduced.

Since these ideas were taken into consideration, I would like to add a few more suggestions such as adding political titles for the alliance as well with certain real abilities/responsabilities. Also an “alliance military planner” would be an interesting addition. It could offer information such as when/where should a country attack to coordinate with another, where to start RWs either for the purpose of draining the enemy or of actually liberating the region and whatever other relevant information the Alliance commander(s) see fit to post. This “alliance planner” should be visible only to Alliance officials, Country Presidents/MoDs/MoFAs.

Also, either in the said “alliance military planner” or in another feature, a Military Commander or MoD should be able to add a few battles that he wants to keep an eye on so he would be able to see walls on all divisions simultaneously for different wars. I am sure this is of no real interest for the average player, however for a military leader it is quite vital to be able to see where s/he needs to send reinforcements instead of endlessly cycle through several browser tabs (even harder with the walls on each division), refreshing each one of them and getting a 10 minute ban IP in the end.

Regarding country administration everyone agreed the workload on a Country President is quite big and we might see in the near future the MoD being able to set the CoD, propose a war related law, also the MoFA being able to propose an MPP law, who knows. Also, introducing the ability to set a “special mission” by the president/MoD which would award a “x” sum of money for every “y” amount of damage directly(or every kill) from the country treasury in a certain battle was proposed. Any form of this idea would certainly remove the work

Also the ability of a CP to send mass-messages to all players from his country was proposed, however a sticky on the friend’s feed (just like the commanders shout on the military feed) should do the trick, whether you have the current CP as a friend or not.

A few more things come to mind when talking about this issue. Creating a Country Bank as an in-game feature, offering official Presidential / MoD / MoFA / Governor newspapers to which each citizens would be automatically subscribed (just like the good old days with the Insider).

Now.. one of the bigger desires of the community is to improve the Military Units. Today they just show the MU you are in and they offer you the Energy Bar and bazooka if you complete the DO. Ideas such as offering the MUs a storage of their own which could host the resources (food/weps/raw materials), the ability to simultaneously donate items to certain/all members or to be able to offer a suplimentary bonus (cc/food/weps) for completing the DO (25 kills) or for each kill over the DO battle were brought up. Also MU companies seem to be a MUST HAVE.

Also two more changes were heavily asked by the attendees regarding MU administration. One of the was the removal of captain elections and offering the ability to appoint captains by the commander and the second one about giving more power to the Second Commanders. They should be able to set DOs themselves too and also orders’ hierarchy should be Commander > Second Commander > Captain.

Another suggestion was to offer the ability to join any MU you like, even if you don’t share the same CS. To this I come and ask why shouldn’t MUs be able to change CS ? Maybe a certain MU wants to change scenery or they simply want to move the MU companies to a more productive country. Who should have the ability to offer CS to a MU? In my opinion only the CP/MoD/MoFA. Changing the CS for the MU (as an entity) will not be the same thing as changing the CS for all of the soldiers. It may require a certain sum o gold and the MU would be unable to change the CS again for a period of let’s say 3 months.

That’s it from me. I am sure there are a lot more ideas out there, a lot better ideas than the ones I managed to add to the ones discussed in the Summit. If you have them, present them to your friends, present them to Plato, make sure several people support your ideas and maybe you’ll make a direct change to the game.

look sharp people

Hai sa recapitulam un poco. Am discutat despre:

1. Summit-ul asa cum l-am vazut eu;
2. Noua Harta + 3. Guerilla fights;

Acum este timpul pentru ultima parte si anume

4.Alte facilitati si sugestii

Dupa un vot prin ridicarea mainii aproape in unanimitate, Aliantele ar putea fi implementate ca entitati in joc. Congresul unei tari ar trebui sa voteze apartenenta unei tari. Am putea avea, pe langa CoD (Campaign of the Day) si DO (Daily Order) inca o campanie pe homepage - Alliance Campaign of the Day (Lupta zilei pentru Alianta) sau ceva in genul asta. Ne-am putea trezi cu o pagina de start aglomerata. Desi s-a sugerat ca optiune semnarea automata de MPP-uri pentru Alianta, unele tari ar putea intampina probleme avand in vedere incasarile reduse din trezorerie. De asemenea ne-am putea trezi cu un sistem de distributie de moneda/arme/paine automatizat.

Intrucat acestea au fost idei ce-au fost sugerate si luate in considerare la summit, as vrea sa vin si eu cu cateva idei precum introducerea "titlurilor politice" si pentru aliante dublate cu anumite abilitati/responsabilitati (asemanator celor pentru tari). De altfel un "planificator militar al aliantei" ar fi o chestie interesanta. Ar putea contine informatii de genul cand/unde ar trebui o tara sa atace sau mai multe pentru a se putea coordona, cand si unde sa se deschida un RW (fie pentru drain, fie pentru eliberarea regiunii) si orice alte informatii considerate relevante de catre Comandantul Aliantei ( sau orice alt oficial). Acest "planificator" ar trebui sa fie vizibil doar pentru "demnitarii" aliantei, presedinti/Mozi/MuFA(e).

Totodata, fie in "planificatorul militar" fie intr-o alta chestiuta, un Comandant militar (al aliantei) sau un MOD ar trebui sa aiba posibilitatea de a adauga cateva batalii pe care doreste sa le urmareasca indeaproape si unde poate vedea simultan, in timp real (cat de real se poate: P) zidurile pentru toate diviziile pentru diferitele batalii. Imi dau seama ca o asa idee nu prezinta interes pentru majoritate, insa pentru un lider militar este extrem de important sa vada direct unde este nevoie de intariri in loc sa se tot plimbe pe nu stiu cate tab-uri, sa dea refresh la fiecare (sa mai apese si butonasul ala pentru statistici sa vada toate diviziile), sa dea refresh pe fiecare si sa mai primeasca un ban pe IP de 10 minute.

In ceea ce priveste administrarea tarii toata lumea a fost de acord ca volumul de munca pentru un presedinte este unul destul de mare (asta daca nu doarme toata luna) asa ca am putea vedea in viitorul apropiat MoD-ul setand DO-ul, propunand legi legate de razbel, iar MoFA propunand legi de MPP si cine stie ce alte chestii. De asemenea introducerea posibilitatii de a seta o "misiune speciala" de catre presedinte/MoD, care ar oferi o anume suma de bani (moneda) pentru fiecare o anume influenta (sau inamic doborat) direct din trezorerie intr-o anume lupta, a fost propusa.

Totodata s-a propus ca CP-ul sa aiba posibilitatea de a trimite mesaje-in-masa tuturor jucatorilor tarii sale, desi shoutul sau sa apara "stickied" pe feed-ul de prieteni (la fel cum apar shouturile comandantilor pe feed-ul unitatii militare) ar trebui sa fie suficient, indiferent ca-l ai sau nu la prieteni pe presedinte.

Alte cateva lucruri imi vin in minte in legatura cu administrarea tarii... Crearea unei Banci Nationale ca entitate in joc, introducerea unor ziare oficiale pentru Presedinte/MoD/MoFA/Guvernator la care toti cetatenii sa fie in mod automat abonati (exact cum era pe vremuri cu Insider-ul).

Mai departe, una dintre cele mai stringente dorinte a comunitatii este imbunatatirea unitatilor militare (ca entitati in joc). Astazi sunt bune pentru a arata apartenenta unui cetatean la o unitate si pentru a oferi acel Energy Bar si bazooka daca indeplinesti DO-ul. Idei precum dotarea unitatii cu un inventar al sau, posibiltatea de a dona dintr-un foc paine/arme unor membri/tuturor membrilor, posibiltatea de a oferi un bonus suplimentar (constand in moneda/paine/arme) pentru indeplinirea DO-ului (cele 25 de kill-uri) sau pentru fiecare kill/un anume numar de kill-uri peste DO au prins glas. Totodata companii ale unitatilor par a fi o necesitate.

Alte doua schimbari au fost cerute vehement de catre participanti in legatura cu administrarea unitatilor. Una dintre ele a fost scoaterea alegerilor pentru capitani si oferirea posibilitatii comandantilor sa numeasca ei insisi capitanii, iar a doua se refera la conferirea de puteri suplimentare comandantilor secunzi. Ei ar trebui sa fie capabili la randul lor sa seteze DO-ul, iar ierarhia ar trebui sa fie comandant > comandant secund > capitan.

S-a mai sugerat conferirea posibilitatii de a te putea alatura oricarei unitati doresti, indiferent de cetatenia pe care o detii. Aici vin si intreb de ce nu ar putea si unitatile (ca entitati) sa schimbe cetatenia? Poate o anume unitate vrea sa schimbe peisajul sau pur si simplu vrea sa-si mute companiile intr-o tara cu bonusuri mai mari. Cine ar putea oferi cetatenie unitatii? Dupa parerea mea asta ar trebui sa fie responsabilitatea CP/MoD/MoFA. Schimbarea cetateniei unitatii nu este acelasi lucru cu schimbarea cetateniei soldatilor. Ar putea costa o anume suma de gold, iar unitatea ar fi "blocata" de la a schimba din nou cetatenia pentru 3 luni sa zicem.

Cam atat de la mine. Sunt sigur ca sunt o groaza de idei grozave, mai bune decat ale mele, poate mai bune decat cele de la Summit. Daca aveti idei geniale, prezentati-le prietenilor, lui Plato, asigurati-va ca sunt cativa care sa le sustina si poate veti face o schimbare asupra jocului in mod direct.

Here’s a list of other articles related to the Military Summit/ O lista a altor articole legate de Summit: