Happy Valentine's Day! (02/14/12)

Day 1,547, 14:38 Published in USA USA by Levif92

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

The Show Me Some Love Raffle

For Valentine's Day, if you show some love to the Revodka Distillery (Revolutionary Party Commune) and make a donation, no matter how big or how small, I will enter you into a raffle for the grand prize of 5 Gold!

So here's how it's going to work:
Donate anything (Q1-Q6 food/weapons, USD, Gold, etc.) to the Revodka Distillery by donating to my account (I've been running the commune) and you will automatically receive one ticket to be randomly entered into the drawing. However, for every 50 items at either Q5 or Q6 lvl, you will receive an additional ticket to be entered into the drawing. Same goes for every $1,000 USD or 1.0 gold donated!
Shout this article and leave a comment letting me know for an additional raffle ticket!

-I donate one Q1 Food : I receive one ticket for donating
-I donate $1,000 USD : I receive one ticket for donating, one for the donation being at least $1,000 USD
-I donate 50 Q6 tanks, $1,000 US😨 I receive one ticket for donating, one for donating at least 50 Q6 tanks, one for at least $1,000 USD
-I donate 200 Q6 Food : I receive one ticket for donating, and 4 for donating 200 (50 X 4) Q6 Food.

A List of Prizes (In order from best to worst)
-5 Gold!
-2 Gold!
-1 Gold!
-0.5 Gold!
-50 Q5 Tanks
-25 Q5 Tanks
-10 Q5 Tanks
-300 Q1 Food
-250 USD
-100 USD
-50 USD
-25 USD
-1 USD
-1 Q1 Food

All donations can be made until tomorrow at 9:30 eRep time
Although, you can always continue to donate even after the contest is over!

Fun Valentine's Day Fact:
-Approximately 110 million roses, mostly red, will be sold and delivered within the three-day Valentine's Day time period.

Valentine's Day Quote:
"Today is Valentine's Day - or, as men like to call it, Extortion Day!"
-Jay Leno

Valentine's Day Comic:

Valentine's Day Optical Illusion:
Watch my heart disappear:

What's Going On:

1.Spain Still Gone

Spain's gone for today, but there are rumor that the Spanish zombies are planning a revolt. Also, they've given up on the soft core porn magazine and are instead going to concentrate in the food industry. However, learning from the Taco Bellians mistake of offering only high-fat, calorie-laden tacos, the Spanish zombie revolution is working on a much healthier solution. To be continued...


England, France, Canada, and Ireland are back to their little game of musical regions.


Poland's on the offensive today, attacking both Kaliningrad and Volhynia in the east.



Medvedev's not amuse😛

4.Serbian Infection

Like the infection that it is, Serbia is growing larger each day, gaining more and more regions to the North and the East. Maybe Italy has some leftover lotrimin that Croatia and the surrounding countries can use:

Well that's all I've got for today! Hope you enjoyed it! Remember to Read/Vote/Sub/Shout and don't forget to enter the contest and show me some love!

246 Subs!

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