Guyana Resistance!

Day 2,524, 12:56 Published in USA USA by Reaos

Viva La Resistance!

The resistance has finally taken shape. I have been living there for almost a month now and we are now finally seeing the first battles in a movement against the Serbians. The Venesuela has launched there first offensive resistance movement to free the people of Guyana.

I am reporting from the combat zone of some of the politics and reasons why Serbia has captured the country. The time has come lets support the resistance! Take up arms, buy stock piles of food! Move here and help fight for freedom!

Now not saying you have too, but its fun talking about revolution! Don't you agree?

Follow up

It looks like the Serbians managed to keep control of Guyana. A sad day for all those Venezuelans that died in vein. Hats off for a good try. Let's hope its not there last! We can't have Ruskies this close to our homeland! 😃