Guide For Pakistani Players on How to Level Fast

Day 847, 10:27 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Rider of Darkness

A Beginner's Guide to eRepublik For Pakistani Citizens

First day of Signing up
Ok First and Most Basic things you have to do:
- Get a Job for Skill level 0
- Go to Work
- Buy food for inventory
- Upload an Avatar
- Train for the Army
- You will get 10 Experience points for doing all that (level 2)

From Day Two to Day Six
- Click on Places and Click on Company go to work
- Click on Places and Click on Army and train
- Do it and on Day Six you will be level 5

Day Six Onwards - FIGHT!!
- Try getting a moving ticket and Relocating to place of war with Quality 5 Hospital
- Make sure you do not apply for citizenship
- To view the Hospital Quality go on
INFO >> Country Stats >> Social,
Click on different listed regions and see the one with best Quality hospital.

- Ok so now you are in place with Q5 Hospital, buy some weapons if you can afford it otherwise, fight without weapons

- You need minimum of 40 Wellness to Fight so fight for the first time (You loose 10 Wellness everytime you fight) Fight and then you can heal only once in 24hrs by going back to the battlefield and going to hospital option. healing at Q5 hospital will give you 50 Wellness.

War Calculation break-down

Assume if u fought a war with 40 wellness, You lost 10 and your wellness became 30. But then you heal and gained 50 wellness making your wellness 80. Once you heal you should now have a lot of wellness. keep fighting but stop if your wellness is between 40 - 50 because otherwise you wont be able to fight the next day.

- Keep on repeating this process for all the fights you do. This will get quick level up and experience points and will also increase your military rank