GUERRILLA FIGHT: Водич за почетници

Day 2,926, 09:00 Published in North Macedonia Chile by colocolo91

Dear reader,

Today i´m writing this article for to speak about the GF.

I am not a Master for to play it, but is a good idea to write some advice for the new players o for some players who never played Guerrilla Fight in MKD, because is a nice form for to save bars, exp and others resources.

I would appreciate any comments that contribute to this article.


The GF´s inventory is available in any battle, next to the button of Statistics.

Citizens fight in guerrilla with unique items that can be bought in the guerrilla items shop in the battlefield.

There are three types of items: Weapons, Armor & Grenades. Each with different features and a different cost.





Armor, Accuracy and Agility are attributes influenced by the equipment worn in combat. Each attribute is explained below:
Armor: you can receive an amount of damage equal to the Armor rating before starting to loose Energy
Accuracy: modifies the chance to hit your target
Agility: determines the distance you can move in one turn. The default value is 200m.


Bonus Damage is based on the ratio of victories and losses:
0 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is less than 1;
1 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is between 1-1.99;
2 Bonus Damage: Win/loss ratio is 2 or more.

You will be able to join a Guerrilla Fight after defeating five opponents on the battlefield

If one side involved in the battle has more than 1400 Domination Points the fight will not start (because there may not be enough time to finish it).

Matchmaking is based on the total matches played. By default, those who have played a lot, should also face more experienced Guerrilla Fighters.

If there are no enemy players looking to join a Guerrilla Fight, you will have to wait until one does

Both players enter the fight with at least 100 Energy

The Energy that is about to be used in the Guerrilla Fight is removed from the total Energy.


The combat is divided in rounds; players can perform one action/round. The basic actions are listed below:

FIRE - shoot with the equipped weapon
MOVE - get closer or farther away from your opponent
DODGE - lowers the opponent’s hit chance. If a grenade is present it will be used.
RELOAD - when you run out of ammo the FIRE button will turn into RELOAD
Change weapon - opens the weapon list

Every round in Guerrilla lasts 12 seconds.

Each weapon has an “Ideal Range”

The weapon has maximum chances of hitting the target when fired from the Ideal Range

The distance to enemy should be as close as possible of the weapon’s Ideal Range

When firing out of the weapon’s range (regardless if it’s farther away or closer to the enemy) the Hit Chance will drop

Each turn there is a chance to deal critical damage to your opponent

The grenade always has 100% chance to hit but deals no critical damage

The grenade deals half damage if the opponents moves

The minimum hit chance is 8% (can be decreased by dodging), the maximum hit chance is 90%

The actual hit chance is calculated after the opponent moves or dodges, while the percentage displayed before shooting does not take these variables into account (since there is no way to know what the opponent will do)

Dodging deducts the hit chance by one third. Ex: if your hit chance is 75% and the opponent dodges, your final hit chance will be 50%.


The player who loses all his Energy first is defeated

A player receives, no matter if victorious or not, a 10% damage bonus if they manage to kill their opponent in the Guerrilla Fight.

Natural enemy bonus and Damage Boosters are taken into account when calculating the damage resulted from Guerrilla Fights.

In case of a draw afer 20 rounds the player who have more experience wins
This means if a player has armor, they can take damage, while doing no damage, and win the fight.

The Energy that is not lost in the Guerrilla Fight is returned to the total Energy.

The damage resulted from a Guerrilla Fight is done in the following fashion:
Victorious players deal 100% of the maximum damage they would inflict with 100 Energy by using a Q7 weapon + 100% of the maximum damage they would inflict (using a Q7 weapon) with the Energy the opponent lost in that Guerrilla Fight (max. 100 Energy, armour is not counted).

Defeated players deal 100% of the maximum influence they would inflict with the Energy they lost (max. 100, armour is not counted) + 50% of the maximum damage they would inflict with the Energy the opponent lost in that Guerrilla Fight (max. 100, armour is not counted).

It sound very difficult..


A victorious player deals 100 damage per hit with Q7. 20.00 Energy gives him 200.000 damage. The opponent lost 85 health during the Guerrilla Fight (out of max 100). The damage done in the battle will be 200.000 + 170.000 = 370.000..
The damage added to the influence bar is cumulated with the damage dealt prior to the Guerrilla Fight. It also counts for Achievements like Battle Hero, Campaign Hero or True Patriot.

Players will receive Rank Points according to the amount of damage added to the influence bar.

The winning player also receives one item as a reward.


Always well equipped with objects of protection to fight, it is ideal that you are 100 % equipped.
Move!! if you think you are going to dodge by throwing one Grenade .

No use the grenades if you think it is very likely that your enemy is going to move or have to reload , use it when you're sure this is going to shoot.

Account the amount of shots that your opponent has executed , this will be helpful when you know when to recharge.