Greetings, eChina!

Day 811, 13:58 Published in China China by eRussian Embassy in eChina

My name is mogaba and I've been recently assigned the Ambassador in your wonderful ecountry. First of all, I have to say that Im proud to represent my nation in eChina.

eRussian Ambassador's dray finally reaches Beijing.

Some 3 months ago DarthXile wrote in his newspaper: "eChina and eRussia have similar histories... If anything, eChina and eRussia should be close friends as both countries were attacked, annexed, and PTOed. And both countries despite this, managed to rebuild and prosper again." This is the attitude we do share and we are ready to work hard to wipe the contradictions between our great nations. We are also happy to know, that the newly elected President of eChina The Samurai prefers the civilized way of diplomatic negotiations to the brute force. So let's focus on the work to be done:

1. The Jilin issue.

Well, the cornerstone in our relationships is definitely the Jilin issue. The main complication about it is that the Jilin occupation is an accessory part of a way more complex problem you all know about well. Its name is Heilongjiang.
If someone tells you that there exists a simple way of solving this problem, he is either a fool, or a liar, or a President of the eUS. I don't want to step in on a territory of my ehungarian colleague or the eHungarian Government. Nevertheless, just to explain our view on Jilin issue I'll try to summarize eRussian attitude to Heilongjiang conflict.

eChina obviously has a legitimate right for the province and the constant casus belli against eHungary and its allies. As a patriot of my country I understand how depressing and irritating it is to see part of your core regions occupied by another country. But does it mean that this eChinese right for Heilongjiang is necessarily corresponded by the eHungarian duty to leave the province? Not really. While for eChina the control over HK is the matter of national pride, for eHungary HK is the matter of very existence. The loss of the high iron region will ruin the hungarian economy and very likely will be the deathblow to eHungary and even Phoenix as a whole. While we don't expect eChina to really care about the destiny of Phoenix, we hope you realize that every battle for Heilongjiang will be the last stand struggle for Phoenix. An attempt to seize HK with brute force will require an unbelievable concentration of power and gold. The two last battles for Heilongjiang revealed that even the full strength of EDEN can't guarantee the positive result.

These things are pretty obvious, but surprisingly some people and even governments try to simplify the problem into straightforward conflict of Good and Evil, the righteous and the imperialistic. This is ridiculous, because this "imperialism" is determined by the very nature of the current economical module. Nobody can expect a country lacking vital resourses to sacrifice itself due to the initial borders and the initial distribution of resourses. In the real life, the countries' borders were neither granted by the will of God nor the forces of nature, they are the result of wars, treaties and expansions lasting during thousands and thousands of years. Thus we find the appeals to moral aspects of Heilongjiang occupation speculative and manipulative.

However, we understand that eChina is a proud and noble nation. And it will not let the occupants just annex their core region(s) without any resistance. We simply believe, that the military confrontation is futile, and we should try to solve this issue by diplomatic means. It would require a lot of common work but at least it's worth trying instead of wasting hundreds and thousands of gold assaulting the most defended citadel in the whole game.

2. Knowing each other better.

eRussia is covered with many myths and mysteries. Its internal affairs might look freaky and weird to an outsider, but a lot of interesting stuff is happening here. I think it will be both useful and entertaining for eChina to learn more about its northern neighbour. So Im going to post articles on eRussian culture, media, politics and everything I find relevant. You'll know how to distinguish hacking from pure magic and what's the difference between bots (what's that actually? O_o) and "silent siberians". Don't worry, Im not going to annoy you a lot 🙂. I understand that this type of content might be not so interesting for some of you, so I'll try not to post more than an article per week.

3. Other stuff.
Since the dominant language in eChinese media remains (surprise!) the Chinese language, I'd like to ask whether there is any state or independent translators team who can translate the most important articles and messages to your native language for fair prices?

You can always address all your questions to me via PM both to this org and to me personally or via the forum

Sincerely yours,
the Ambassador of eRussia
in eChina and eJapan