Greeks - Can You Help My Christmas Wish Come True?

Day 2,590, 23:46 Published in Greece USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

Dear Greeks and other like-minded awesome people,

I was hoping you could help my Christmas wish come true. I decided to publish my article in your media because I feel strongly that you are one of the peoples who would be most inclined to help me achieve my dream. I know recently you have been having some issues with your government. In the event a new President is not elected, you run the risk of having new elections and stupid people voting for SYRIZA. Greece is already in serious trouble. They would absolutely destroy your country and have no business leading anything. I propose an alternative solution that would bring about a new golden age, and fulfill my Christmas wish. I would like for you to proclaim me your new Byzantine Emperor. In the event that Constantine XI returns I will of course abdicate, but barring that I believe I am the best man for the job. If chosen as your Emperor I will do the following....

1. Invite other countries to become part of our New Roman Empire and expand it as much as possible.
2. Restore Christian values to society.
3. Increase the abysmally low birthrate to above replacement level.
4. Reclaim Constantinople and as many other stolen lands as possible.(I will alternate between ruling in Rome and Constantinople)
5. Solve the financial crisis and restore economic prosperity. (4 and 5 can be linked)
6. Be a just and fair sovereign, except when dealing with crazy people like SYRIZA who need to be silenced one way or the other.
7. Learn Greek, Latin and be as educated and cultured as possible so I may be as capable as possible in making important decisions.
8. Surround myself with moral, wise advisers to help make these decisions.

This is just a quick synopsis, but I hope I have caught your attention!

Remember, you once had a Prime Minister who lived in the United States until he finished University, and whose mother was not even Greek, and he was pretty terrible!

It can only go uphill from there!

So, let's figure this out, and take Athens by storm. Whose with me?

and in case you were wondering how I look on a throne.... I would be just as much a warrior as I would be a Monarch!