Government Lies?

Day 585, 16:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Flamur

Some may be aware that recently, GloriousFailure resigned from his position as MoFA. This came shortly after accusations were made about lies to congress and/or the public. I won’t go into much detail about that, as I don’t want to be accused of leaking anything. But one issue that has been heavily discussed in congress is Alliances. One thing that I think is safe to say, is that Fortis was something that wasn’t favoured by many, due to mainly it having a weighted voting system. This was no secret. Below, there’s a link to logs that show you how our government (Represented by Kumnaa, Hassan and GF) were perfectly happy with the system.

Now obviously, it’s a long log, so I’d like to highlight a few points. We have slightly filtered areas by getting rid of minor sentences that were part of the discussion, but unrelated to the question.

(Hassan-) Couldnt we tweak it to have Ireland 2 votes as well?
(Hassan-) So UK/Ire/Can have the same votes?
(HarrisonRichardson) UK - approve?
(Glorious_Failure[UK]) Approve.
(kumnaa[uk]) nope
(kumnaa[uk]) (nope as in no objections)

(Glorious_Failure[UK]) Just a simple question really: With the weighted votes system, will the number of votes be able to be reviewed at a future date?
(marcchelala[CAN]) I would say yes
(HarrisonRichardson) I would propose if a nation suggests we relook at it and another nation seconds the proposal we can relook at them

(Hassan-) I think we should keep as many things as flexible as possible
(HarrisonRichardson) agree with Hassan-

(Glorious_Failure[UK]) Excellent, I'll be a little honest, I was getting a bit worried about it essentially becoming ATLANTIS 2.0

(Hassan-) Yes, we plan to go with you now (Fortis)
(Derakor) But the possibility of you being in PEACE is there somewhere.
(Hassan-) Not really anymore
(Hassan-) The Government has now decided to go for Fortis

The above can clearly show that our government not only approved of the system, but also seemed happy with it.

So what happens next? More to follow, should congress allow it.

- Flamur.