Goodbye Ireland, and Hello Poland!

Day 1,820, 20:13 Published in Canada Poland by Cowkiller2

Well, as we all should know by now, our little “Practice War” with our friendly neighborhood Ireland will be ending soon.

I know, I know. It was fun while it lasted. And we should all thank Ireland for offering this opportunity with us. Good luck in whatever comes next guys!

Meanwhile, in Canada, Poland still has control of the west. Their troops continue marching down what were once Canadian streets. What are still Canadian streets.

And my friends, this is no ‘practice’ war... This is the real thing.
And it is up to you to insure that the Canadians in these occupied provinces can live under our proud Canadian government once more!

Now I call upon you, the Canadian people! Join the resistance!

Move to Polish occupied Canada! And fight for Canadians everywhere!
We’re all counting on you!

~Neio119 Signing Off~