Good Bye! - Free Food Inside =D

Day 2,074, 17:42 Published in USA Peru by HoJUNIOR

Well, this is my last article here in USA

Thanks EVERYONE that supported me, even RGR (I dislike you, and you are a dick but thanks for the cs 😁 .

No, but seriously. THANKS ALL OF YOU.

You all helped me a lot here, and I really apreciate it.

Even when I was away and my citizen almost died some of you sended me food and weapons 😃

Special thanks to Praetorian Guards and the Feds 🙂

As a thank you (Whoa! I have said "Thank You" like 10 times xD) I wanted to give you something.

Just seng me a PM with your vote/sub number and I will give you some caviar 😁 (Q7 Food xD)

And one more time,