Go Go HrBjorn to the rescue! (Part I)

Day 686, 12:46 Published in Denmark Bulgaria by HrBjorn

HrBjorn is here for your rescue, because he is just such a humanitarian. He is here to save you from incredibly boring media about something that have happened. A media that could be described like this:

X: "You suck!"
Y: "No, you suck!"
X: "No, you suck!"
Y: "No, you suck!"

HrBjorn think you get the picture.

Because of this HrBjorn will rescue you, with a text explaining why HrBjorn rocks so much, that even your cocks get its socks rocked off. He know that you have socks on your cocks, there is no purpose in denying it.

Sadly for you guys, HrBjorn is so rockawesome that he has to make two articles to really explain why.
But let's get it going!

First of all, HrBjorn is a bear. How awesome is that? A bear who can write, play computer, and yet, still tear up throats on people who play Scrabbles. Why would he do that, you might ask. Well. People who play Scrabbles is annoying. "No, look at what word I can spell to with using a word that is already in use!". Yeah, well look at what HrBjorn can do with a claw which is already in use.
Also, HrBjorn is a bear who likes beer. He can drink lots of beer, HrBjorn is bear who at the meet-up(HrBjorn is also a ninja, as he made himself look like a totally normal dude at that meet-up) made some homeless guy give the middle-finger to all of the others, of course not to HrBjorn, the homeless guy recognized the awesome glow of awesome pouring out of HrBjorn.

Second of all, the only thing HrBjorn listens to is hardcore death-napalm-speed-metal. He does this, not because he likes the sound of it, it is horrible, but because it shatters the ears of every annoying thing, such as old people, tank-station owners and architects. You might think, that such horrible music also would shatter HrBjorn's ears. But you are wrong, because as he sai😛 Only the ears of annoying people, and with annoying people HrBjorn means every person that annoys HrBjorn. And furthermore, have you ever heard a bear roar? It's damn loud. If a bear can roar that loud to the outside world, then think about how loud it is inside its own head. It must have ears of steel.

That was it for Part I, the next one will come in a couple of days. And join HrBjorn Rocks Party, because HrBjorn knows you think he is awesome.