GBDP Constitution

Day 1,968, 10:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle
This constitution is to ensure GBDP has a set structure to follow for the party to continue to run democratically and fairly. This constitution will be followed by GBDP at all times.

1. Aims of the Party
2. Party Members
3. Party Officials
4. Electing and Impeaching Party Officials
5. Determining Active Party Members
6. Shadow Cabinet
7. The Imperial Guard
8. Elections
9. Amendments to the Constitution

Section 1 - Aims of the Party
a. GBDP is a democratic socialist party. The party believes that all citizens should work together to create a stronger and more welcoming country.
b. Every citizen must have an equal chance to succeed in any path they choose to follow in eRepublik, and GBDP should be there to help any eUK citizen to accomplish their tasks.
c. GBDP believes the government should be open and fair. The government must be working to improve the welfare of all citizens, not just the few. Decisions should be well discussed to ensure all points of view are seen.

Section 2 - Party Members
a. All party members are seen as equal, regardless of past actions or status. All members have the right to do what they choose while in the party, providing it follows the GBDP constitution and eUK legislation.

Section 3 - Party Officials
a. The party president of GBDP is elected through game mechanics at the 15th of each month. Their role is to lead the party, and make sure the constitution is followed. The party president must make sure all members of GBDP have an equal chance to succeed in the party.
b. The vice party president must be chosen by the party president on either the 15th or 16th of the elected month. Their role is to help the party president in any tasks, and make sure the constitution is followed.
c. The spokesperson must be chosen by the party president on either the 15th or 16th of the elected month. Their role is to inform the public of decisions made by GBDP, as well as any major events occurring.
d. The councillor is an elected official, and must be elected through section 4 of the GBDP constitution. Their role is to lead the recruitment and retention campaigns of the party for the party to increase its member count, and to ensure all current members of GBDP are happy.
e. The secretary general is an elected official, and must be elected through section 4 of the GBDP constitution. Their role is to educate party members to fulfill shadow cabinet roles of section 6 of the GBDP constitution.

Section 4 - Electing and Impeaching Party Officials
a. The secretary general and councillor officials must be elected through this method.
i. Candidates for these official positions must declare their intent to run after the new party president begins their term on the 16th, but before the end of the 17th.
ii. The party president will choose the preferred method of voting, which must be either the party forum, a gdoc form or messaging.
iii. Voting will begin on the 18th and will last for 24 hours.
b. Any member can propose an impeachment of the current party president. For the impeachment process to begin, 10% of active party members, determined by section 5 of the GBDP constitution, must sponsor the motion. For the impeachment to pass, 51% of votes must be in favour of the impeachment.

Section 5 - Determining Active Party Members
a. On the 1st of each month, the party president must call a 48 hour notice for party members to show they are active. The party president will choose the preferred method of collecting data, which must be either the party forum, a gdoc form or messaging.

Section 6 - Shadow Cabinet
a. The party president and vice party president are responsible for choosing the shadow cabinet for the current term. The shadow cabinet must be chosen before the 19th.
b. The shadow cabinet must consist of the following roles: Minister of defence, minister of home affairs, minister of foreign affairs, minister of health and up to two deputies for each ministry.

Section 7 - The Imperial Guard
a. The Imperial Guard is a military unit founded by GBDP, so is affiliated with the party. Members of GBDP must not be forced to join this military unit, and vice versa. The Imperial Guard is open to all eUK citizens who wish to join.

Section 8 - Elections
a. Applications for being a Congress candidate will be opened by the party president on the 20th.
i. Providing the party is in the top 5 of the eUK rankings, party members will be allocated seats before non-party members. The party president and vice party president will choose the order of candidates on the list.
ii. If the party is not in the top 5 of the eUK rankings, the party president will contact top 5 parties to ask for seats on their candidate list.
b. Applications for being a presidential candidate will be opened by the party president on the 26th. The party president is must create a list of all candidates from GBDP and other parties wishing for GBDP support. The first poll will be created by the party president on the last day of the month, consisting of all candidates on the list. Voting will last for 24 hours. If no candidate receives 51% of total votes, a second poll will be created consisting of the top 2 voted candidates from the previous poll. Voting will last for 24 hours. The candidate which receives more votes will receive GBDP support. If no candidate receives more votes, no candidate will receive GBDP support.

Section 9 - Amendments to the Constitution
a. An amendment can be proposed when sponsored by 10% of active members, or the party president chooses to support an amendment. Voting will last for 48 hours, and will be considered to have passed if it receives 51% of votes, where 20% of active members have voted.