Game Over OYE Weelky / Juego Acabado OYE Semanal

Day 2,478, 04:24 Published in Argentina Romania by PNGS

Muy buenas a todos los lectores de este semanal que sale cuando tengo tiempo 🙁.

A continuación muestro la propuesta que pasé a Plato, en mi inglés, la cual no tuve ningún tipo de respuesta, bien es, que para desarrollarla utilicé aportes de gente que conozco en el foro, como EmanuelEmanuel.

Hello everyone to my weekly news that is going online just when I can.

Next you can read my presentation to Plato in order to find solution to our game over problem. I didn't receive an appropriate answer, in fact, the answer was and Standard and automatic reply. Developing it was possible because I receive suggestions from my colleagues like EmanuelEmanuel.

Bonjour à tous et toutes à mon journal hebdomadaire qui sorte quand j'ai le temps pour le faire.

À continuation vous pouvez lire la proposition (en Anglais) que j'ai envoyé à Plato il y a 3 semaine et que lui, il n'a pas répondu de manier adéquate. Je veux dire merci à toutes les personnes que m'ont aidé comme EmanuelEmaneul.

Hi, I am a player and I would like to propose you some changes.

1- Maximum force 90.000
a- People must be fighting and training every day to reach 90k force, or the force could decrease if they are not fighting or training.

2- The game is going to be boring, then, making it better and more happiness for all of us (D1...4), you can create more division, in order to keep soldiers satisfaction. In fact, the people who are not buying "Gold", think that the game is only for D4 players and their multis.
a- Create 10 Division, and to reach each division we could define an average between force and level, that means:

division 1: 0 to 1000 Force or 0 to 20 Level
division 2: 1001 to 5000 Force or 21 to 25 Level
division 3: 5001 to 15000 Force or 25 to 30 Level
division 4: 15001 to 30000 Force or 31 to 45 Level
division 5: 30001 to 40000 Force or 46 to 60 Level
division 6: 40001 to 50000 Force or 61 to 80 Level
division 7: 50001 to 60000 Force or 81 to 100 Level
division 8: 60001 to 70000 Force or 101 to 140 Level
division 9: 70001 to 80000 Force or 141 to 200 Level
division 10: 80001 to 90000 Force or higher to 201 Level
First has priority

In order to keep the game attractive, you could add new weapons or making better Q1 to Q6 Weapons, that means:

Examples: Soldiers D1 could be doing more damage hitting with Q1 Weapons, Soldiers D2 -> Q2... D6 -> Q6.

Create new Weapons means: AirForce/Marines

Creating new weapons could make the game more attractive in order to keep the satisfaction to all of us.

Examples to increase the play-ability, you can modify the company access, examples:

If you want to create a D1 weapons you can do it only if you are D1, then to can keep it because you have the license or something like that.

I know that it is your business, but, you must not forget that customers are the most important think if you want to keep the game in the most higher level, in fact, new people could be joined if you make it better or accessible for most people around the world.

3- Changing the price you will receive more real money in absolute value from citizens.
a- Energy Bars Price... Do you think that 5 Gold it is a GOOD price?... no, it is not
b- 100 Energy Center 199Gold????... WFT
c- etc..

People don't want to expend 100Euros because they know that it is not enough to be competitive, I was thinking to buy 2300Gold, but, WHAT CAN I DO??? I will spend 400 Euros and I am not earning anything, if you create more business and people must chose one of them, they can't have the monopoly of the market, it is not normal that people who started 4 years ago can control the market, all of us want to be part, but Plato rules are developed just for particular players.

OYE Weekly - Open Your Eyes Weekly

PD1: I am not English Native, so if you have recommendation, please, feel free to contact me.
PD2: Je ne suis pas francophone, donc, si vous trouvez de fautes, n’hésites pas en me contacter