From Wall Street to Main Street

Day 392, 07:26 Published in Hungary Hungary by Zoli

Beginning: From Main Street to Wall Street

Everybody is born on the Main Street, and we all aspire to get to Wall Street. We are born equal, with some starting money, and we carve our path in eRepublik. The starting salary is a misery; people are bickering and stabbing each other in the press like in real life. Small and weak countries are overrun buy powerful nations which want to demonstrate their strength.
This is the starting point to make a career in eRepublik. The 4 areas where you can affirm yourself are: press, economy, politics and army.

The press is the easiest way to get to Wall Street. Good, impartial articles are appreciated by everybody. Before gathering wealth and strength you can assert yourself as a quality journalist.

Politics is a b**ch, but not always. Getting into politics is not easy, and can be frustrating to find a party which will embrace your goals and believes. Usually it is very hard to get to top in this domain, but auto preservation works really good and if you get to the top you can hang on there for a very long time.

Economy. I would say that this is the most challenging. To start a business you have to work hard, and gather at least 25 GOLD. From this point on it is up to you to show your skills as a manager and generate profit. You are the CEO, the Finance Manager, the HR Manager, the Accountant, the Logistics Manager and the Sales Manager. It is really challenging, but if you succeed with your company you have a better life and you can concentrate on the press, on politics and on the military. Trading currencies, buying products from one country and selling them in another is like trading on the stock exchange, like on the real Wall Street.

Army. Contrary to common belief you cannot get “From Zero to Hero”. Fighting daily is a costly entertainment. Probably you will never earn enough money from your salary to buy 5 weapons very day, and if you fight without weapons it will take even longer. If you can get a company up and running, you can produce a daily profit that will cover your expenses regarding warfare. This is how I have done it, and it seems the logical way.

From Wall Street to Maine Street or "Great Power Comes with Great Responsibility"

While fighting for your private goal, to get to Wall Street, you focus on your private interest; you pursue your on goal. But what do you do when you get there and you achieve that goal. You set up a new goal that is linked to the public interest. What difference it makes to have 100 GOLD or 1000 GOLD, if the best house you can buy is Q5. In RL you can acquire luxury items, but here the Q5 house is the top notch. When you get to the Wall Street you can focus on the society, on helping other to have fun in this game, on helping others to get to Wall Street.

The press is the easiest way to get to Wall Street, but is the easiest way to fall from there. I’ve seen a first hand example the last days, when somebody who aimed high has fallen to depths I haven’t even imagined. Readers and subscribers have high expectations. You disappoint them once and nothing will happen, you disappoint them twice and they will stop reading your articles, you disappoint them more times and they will unsubscribe.

Politicians bear the most responsibility, towards people who elected them. They are elected by 1 to a couple of hundreds of votes. They decide the level of taxes, and the direction a country takes – toward peace or war. Party presidents are responsible for promoting the next generation of politicians, for selecting people who run for Congress. They are responsible towards party members to run for reelection if no other candidate applies for the job, in order to secure the party from a hostile take-over. (for example on the 15th there were two Top 5 parties from France without a candidate for party presidency.) Congressman and congresswoman have a duty towards people who elected them. They can decide over the level of taxes, wars and MPP’s with other countries, the impeachment of the president. And the most responsibility is on the shoulders of the president. He initiates wars – he has the power to annihilate other nations or the nation he rules. Great power comes with great responsibility. I would say that every nation has the president that they deserve. Some people will never agree with his decisions but generally he represents the will of the people.

Economy. You can acquire tons of GOLD but you cannot do much with it for your welfare. You can use the money to achieve military power. Usually wealth goes hand in hand with military power. I have not seen many Generals who reached that level only based on their salary. I have seen great man, who used their wealth to help the government and other players – to best example of Common Interest I have seen is the eRepublic Faculty, where the founder shares his experience, and gives gold to the best students. This is the best example of help – you not only give away gold to help others, but you give them advice and guidance. Company owners are the first people who feel the economic crises, many times they invest extra money just to protect theire employees - they have the responsability of many people on their shoulders.

Army. You cannot get from zero to hero, and from hero to zero. Military achievements cannot be taken away from you. Those who are now generals are almost all considered tanks, and were funded by the state. On your own it takes a couple of months to get to the rank of General. It is hard, but not impossible. Problems of great responsibility arise in the military as well – I have seen tanks that entered conflicts they had no interest in and took a side to victory. I have seen arranged military exercise, where couple of hundred people hoped to train, until a tank came and destroyed the wall in a couple of hours. But I think fighting is one of the most interesting modules; I have meet many good people on the battlefield, on both sides of the wall, people who now are my good friends, people, who I trust and respect.

And to get to the point with the most power and the biggest responsibility. Admins. They direct the “lives” of 60.000 erepublikans, they have the power to change the rules, to bend the rules, to ban people. This is ultimate power, the power of Gods. An ethical question rises: “What should they do with the results achieved by band people?” It is hard, but but should they erase their military results and rewrite history? The best example is JaviBoss. He made a total of 155.000 points of damage – wars were won and lost thanks to him. If his results would be erased then the world map would look completely different.

Remember “Great power comes with great responsibility”