France needs your help! M&M's for France

Day 751, 11:11 Published in Ukraine Serbia by cleroy

Hi citizens of Ukaine,

As you know, France needs help, we lost some territories, our high wood ressources, and our e😜resident stole our gold (3000g)😁'.
This is why our country needs you, i'm asking our ukranian friends to help us by subscrubing to those french newpapers, each MMM will give us 5 golds for the national tresury.

It's esay, it's quick you just have to click.

Here are the newpapers ordered by poupularity:

Le Veilleur
Tirez sur le Mammouth
Le tableau noir
Un Journal de Plus
La flûte enchantée
Vues du monde
Le petit bleu
Citizens opinions
La bonne Micheline
France Libre
Lapin matin
Journal Officiel : CTB
Histoire Creuse

Thanks a lot,