For my friends

Day 2,271, 15:42 Published in China Romania by turturica
Motto In love and war nothing is forbidden

I have friends who helped me.

I have friends I helped.

I have friends with whom I agree on many things.

I have friends with whom I can debate 24/7 and not reach even remotely a mutual conclusion on some issues.

I have a friend who’s hobby is to see how much he can push until I react. Truth been told I return the favor; it is fun. We are still friends. 😘

I have friends who support me.

I have friends with different goals than mine.

I have friends who like to win. I like to win too and I can be a pain..sometimes. 🙂

Regardless of our different opinions, in past or more recent times, I support my friends.

I agree on the fact that in love and war nothing is forbidden. What I also believe is that the norms for what is forbidden differs from person to person based on his/hers education, self esteem and willingness to reach a plan.

The ugly truth is, in politics, there is no place for saints. There is always a hidden agenda, there is always someone who wins and someone who loses. Good politicians are not the ones that always win, damn good politicians are those that after a loss have the strength to rise, decide what went good and what went bad, and come up with a better plan. And who knows..maybe next one is a charm.

I have friends who are involved in politics.

I have friends who run away at the first sign of it.

I have friends who like to fight. I like to fight together with them.

I am lucky for all my friends.