cCc [INCI WE TRUST] cCc | Flausino & Hacker Okan Interview

Day 1,426, 23:54 Published in Egypt Croatia by Janko Fran

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In the last issue of READeR USeR LINKeR, I've covered recent eRepublik incidents, which included hacking of eRepublik accounts and temporary account suspensions of eEgyptian and eBulgarian Presidents. I also included some INCI member shouts and speculations about Hacker Okan, who allegedly stands behind hacker attacks.

After that I contacted some INCI members and visited INCI community on IRC chat channel #INCI. I even had an interview with 'Hacker Okan'. In this issue I am covering INCI community phenomenon in general and their eRepublik community, I am talking to some members of INCI about Hacker Okan and other internet phenomena, and finally I bring you an exclusive interview with 'Hacker Okan' and a short interview with Flausino, the President of eBulgaria. Of course, Kosovo issue couldn't be avoided either. So, enjoy reading it...



Incisözlük - inci portal


The main INCI community started to gather in the end of 2009, by the name of incisözlük. İnci Sözlük is a Turkish online, social community website. It was started on December 19, 2009 and it has been gaining popularity since the foundation. It is known for first announcing a code anomaly in the famous web site Twitter on May 10, 2010. This bug resulted in unconfirmed users being added to the following list by users exploiting it. Community also abused the translation part of the Facebook, by mass-voting for the dirty and suggestive translations. The website is often compared to 4chan and regarded as "Turkish" version of it.

Even though it has a moderation system for the content, Inci Sozluk lets its users to write about any content(e.g. pornography, politics, daily life), without limitation. The website represents many occasional sub-cultures has grown in Turkey in the beginning of 2000s. Parodies of cliches and hatred of intellectualism are the main subjects of the discourse of the writer in the "sözlük". Members of the website do not hesitate to express their feelings about all matters of subject, using an especially preferred "politically incorrect" language. Content of the most passages in it represents beauty of imperfection. Some regard the website as the method of Turkish youth to face the reality that "there is no great future waiting for them, nothing is going to be better and nobody is perfect" which is the right opposite of the promises that have been made by 90s dominant tendancy; pop culture.

INCI Stars [Twitter, ..., Facebook, ...] - inci we trust

Their slogan is "INCI WE TRUST" and these days the community has 171,890 registered members. Their symbol is Owl.

More about INCIs you can read in this eRepublik article:
The Truth Behind the INCI Community And Some Facts

Or on Wikipedia:
İnci Sözlük [ENG]
İnci Sözlük [TR]

INCIs in eRepublik

INCIs have appeared in eRepublik after they heard among internet community members and in the media that eTurkey was invaded and conquered by eGreece, so most of them came to eRepublik to help liberate eTurkey. They still kept their INCI community connection and good organization.

INCI - More than a Trolling Group

They consider themselves mostly as eRep trolling group. They usually hang out on #INCI IRC channel, where they have fun talking, trolling eRep articles with mass shouts, unusual or annoying comments or more or less seriously discussing various topics. They also enjoy fighting and winning battles and engaging politics. You'll recognize them by an owl and usually some beautiful half-naked girls on their INCI avatars.

Owls Cyprus Main Army Avatars

You can see more INCI avatars here:
Benim niye avatarım yok panpa
[iNCi] Başganlık adaylığım
xxerex's album

Many of them hold eTurkish or eUSA citizenship, but currently most of them hold eCypriotic citizenship and fight for eCyprus.

eCyprus Owls Cyprus Main Army Insignia

They also make INCI Army which now consists of 10 Military Units with around 500 soldiers. Recently INCI Army even opened to international community gaining more popularity among other eRepublik nations.

Owls Cyprus Main Army
Disko MU
Inci International Forces

More about INCI Army organization you can read here:

Cyprus INCI Party

INCI & eRepublik Politics

Although every INCI member is individual with its own views, generally speaking, INCIs political views could be described as libertarian, opting for freedom of speech and anti-censorship as a must, and free market with moderate taxes, but also fighting hard against any authorities from above. Their political actions in eRepublik have started in eTurkey where they expressed their relatively liberal views, but couldn't raise massive Turkish support for their leadership. (Could be that INCIs have initiated eTurkey to change from Phoenix/proONE to Terra.)

-iNCi- Party, eCyprus
cCc iNCi cCc Party, eCyprus
cCc INCI cCc Party, eUSA

INCI eWorld Tour: 1 - eTurkey, 2 - eUSA, 3 - eCyprus

INCI eRep eWorld Tour

After that INCIs mostly moved to eUSA as it is a more liberal country, where they could express their views openly without being judged too much. However, eUSA citizens haven't accepted them as their own people mostly due to the language barrier, although INCIs formed a significant part of eUSA military forces on EDEN/Terra side and represented significant political power in the eUSA. Recently INCIs have moved closer to their homeland; to eCyprus, where they took over the country politics and strengthened eCyprus position in the Mediterranean region. They have transformed a small helpless eRepublik nation of Cyprus, which was under constant Greek or Turkish occupation, to a strong country with strong military force and regional power occupying parts significant parts of Egypt and eSaudi Arabia. Although INCIs claim not to care much about regions and bonuses, they have managed to take control over 8 out of 10 resources which boosts up their e-economy.

eCyprus & eEgypt, Mediterranean & Middle East

INCI, eCyprus & eEgypt, Mediterranean & Middle East

It is an interesting fact that INCIs have offered their protection to eEgypt in exchange for CSs in the early days of eEgypt in eRepublik, before they settled in eCyprus. eEgypt has turned down their offer being afraid of PTO and was hoping on strengthening its position using its own resources and hoping to organize a baby boom in Egypt. We are still waiting for this to happen. eCyprus is a member of Terra alliance and currently fights against Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) for supremacy on East Mediterranean. eEgypt, which is currently also proEDEN oriented, while mostly ruled by Lock and Load Military Unit members from Croatia, managed to liberate its regions under Greek and Macedonian occupation successively, and now tries to liberate it's regions under Cyprus occupation, but until now without any success. It seems that INCIs forces are too strong, both for eEgypt and eSaudi Arabia.

Mysterious Hacker Okan

Hacker Okan - Urban Legend or a Real Person?

And now, I'll bring you an exclusive interview with Hacker Okan. Who is Hacker Okan?, you might be asking yourself. Well, it's not sure if he is only an urban legend or he is a real person. I've talked to some INCI members and here is what they say about Hacker Okan:

heaglen31 a.k.a. ziza41, INCI Member from Turkey with Turkish and Kosovo CS

About Hacker Okan

Janko Fran: Have you heard about hacker Okan?
heaglen31: I don't know... I guess he is an urban legend; and someone who played eRepublik did that and created this name. I guess he is Turkish or a member of ONE.
Janko Fran: And does INCI group have anything to do with recent hackings of eRep accounts?
heaglen31: No, I dont think so. It's not INCI's job.
Janko Fran: OK, can you share some information about INCI group in general?
heaglen31: Of course I can. INCI isn't only our group, INCI is everyone's group.

INCI. Owl?

INCI & Owl

Janko Fran: OK... So it's open for everyone, right? That's good... Why do you have owl on your avatar?
heaglen31: Beacuse I'm commander of army force of Cyprus.
Janko Fran: I mean why all the INCIs have an owl on their avatars?
heaglen31: Well, we came here from social web page incisozluk and incisozluk's symbol is an owl beacuse owl is looking so funny and weird. Sometimes angry, sometimes shocked... This animal has great mimic. And INCIs are against monotony and some Turks were against this symbol, because they believe that owl brings bad luck. We say to them: Fork your superstition!
Janko Fran: I like owls...
heaglen31: Yeah, we love them too...
Janko Fran: Owl is a symbol of wisdom.
heaglen31: Yeah, some people believe that, but not in Turkey.
Janko Fran: And did INCIs have a goal to free Turkey against Greece?
heaglen31: Nope, actually INCI just have goal to have fun. We don't have any other goal, we just came here for fun.

INCI Kosova

INCI & Kosovo

Janko Fran: Did you vote on eKosovo status? What is your opinion? And do INCI have a stand about eKosovo?
heaglen31: Hm, a lot of INCI members voted for free eKosovo.
Janko Fran: Yes, me too... For independent state.
heaglen31: And my opinion is free rKosova, in RL I'm Kosovian.
Janko Fran: Really? I am Croatian.


Janko Fran: Thanks and take care...
heaglen31: Nice to meet you! Take care...

Andrei Lebowski, INCI member about Hacker Okan

Andrei Lebowski: You've unleashed the post-modern demonic creature from the dungeons of Internet's. Yeah... HE IS HACKER OKAN!
Janko Fran: Can you tell me more about this creature? I understand that this is probably a joke, but I am not too well informed....
Andrei Lebowski: It's internet phenomenon orginated from INCI. Just like 4chan memes.
Janko Fran: Could you explain it in more details? And what are 4chan memes?
Andrei Lebowski: Maybe you should read these first: Internet meme,
Janko Fran: OK, now I get it. And is hacking done by INCI members?
Andrei Lebowski: Lol, no bro. I don't know actually, but Stankovic Alexa is really old and notorious Turkish hacker of eRepublik and everyone use his name. It may be him or anyone else.
Janko Fran: Oh, I see...
Andrei Lebowski: Yeap. HE IS HACKER OKAN!
Janko Fran: And who is more famous, Hacker Okan or Stankovic Alexa?
Andrei Lebowski: They're brothers.
Janko Fran: Isn't it the same person?
Andrei Lebowski: They both were once erepublik players, however they were using same ip, because they're living in same house, so admins banned them.
This is their revenge from erepublik. so everyone must be careful.

ffako, INCI member, Commander of INCI Disko MU and one of commanders in INCI Owls Army

ffako: Hacker Okan is a good hacker, all Turkish players know that. You can be sure about that. Search him on Google and you'll find him. He is a local hacker from Turkey. Look at your previous article and you'll see that every INCI player confirmed what I said. They proved he is real.

And now, the exclusive interview with 'Hacker Okan'.

Interview with Hacker Okan - I hate eRepublik, but love INCI!

Meet Hacker Okan

Janko Fran: How old are you?
Hacker Okan: 26
Janko Fran: Are you a student?
Hacker Okan: I graduated Computer Engineering from Sutcu Imam University in Turkey...
Janko Fran: Which languages do you speak?
Hacker Okan: English and Turkish.
Janko Fran: Sorry, I don't speak Turkish unfortunately...
Hacker Okan: I hacked some Chinese government web sites, and official Mexican Microsoft web site. All Turks know that.
Janko Fran: What are your biggest successes?
Hacker Okan: Offical mexican microsoft website hacking
Janko Fran: Why mexican? Is american too well protected?
Hacker Okan: I tried Mexican, but i dont know why...

CP of eEgypt, Pitlja666 Asking Questions to Hacker Okan

Pitlja666: Why did INCI want my account and MPP with eTurkey?
Hacker Okan: INCI is a trolling group, and it wasn't only you. We hacked 100 acc 2 days ago.
Pitlja666: Yes, and why did you put NE proposal to eCyprus and MPP with eTurkey on my account?
Janko Fran: Can you prove that you are Hacker Okan?
Hacker Okan: Yes, Janko Fran. I can hack you if you want that. If you open any link which ffako sends to you, I can hack you.
Janko Fran: Can you say how much CYP I have currently on my account, can you change my avatar, and leave a greeting note at the beginning of my last article today?
Hacker Okan: No, I dont do that, I'm not simply a hacker, I'm not a showman.
Janko Fran: Did you hack my account?
Hacker Okan: I don't remember. I hacked 100 acc 3 days ago.
Pitlja666: So, Okan, has hacking ended now?
Hacker Okan: Yes, it has ended. But if INCI want it, I will continue.
Janko Fran: My was hacked yesterday twice. See:
Hacker Okan: Hm, I think you were hacked by my sidekick.
Pitlja666: But you can't hack me if I dont open any site of yours, right?

Hacker Okan's Website:
Hacker Okan's Website

Hacker Okan: Yes. Actually, I have different ways, but I don't use these ways on eRepublik... I only use links in eRep.
Pitlja666: Well, I hope you are trully done with me... See you. I'll be back. Got to run...
Hacker Okan: Janko Fran, ffako said to me that you added my photo to your article.
Janko Fran: Yes... I added a photo he put in a comment of another article, but changed it's url...

Hacker Okan in Newspapers

Panpa ffako and sidekick Stankovic Alexa

Hacker Okan: Yes, he is my panpa.
Janko Fran: Panpa? What is panpa?
Hacker Okan: It means bro in INCI.
Janko Fran: Oh... Didn't know that. And who is your sidekick? I'd like to know who hacked my account...
Hacker Okan: Do you know Stankovic Alexa?
Janko Fran: There was a signature "Stanković Alexa is not died yet", which he left on my account... But I guess all hackers now use his name on eRep...


Hacker Okan: Here's my meeting with the most famous Turkish sınger. His name is Salim.

Hacker Okan Meets Salim

Salim's Song


Hacker Okan and eRepublik

Janko Fran: Ok, but first I need to know it's really you and that you can hack eRep. How can you prove that? Do you have any proofs? Otherwise, it's just getting attention with out any basis...
Hacker Okan: Ask Flausino, he knows me. I gave him his account today.
Janko Fran: Did you write that new welcome message proposal in eBulgaria?
Hacker Okan: No, I have an agreement with eRep Admins and owners. But it's a secret.
Janko Fran: What kind of agreement?
Hacker Okan: I don't hack eRep accounts any more.
Janko Fran: Since when?
Hacker Okan: Since today.
Janko Fran: So, who will continue your work and hack accounts?
Hacker Okan: My sidekick.
Janko Fran: So, the problem is not solved for Admins?
Hacker Okan: Yes, they have solved the main problem (me), but not all.
Janko Fran: But your sidekick can learn from you and hack just the same?
Hacker Okan: Yes, my sidekick is a danger for them now.
Janko Fran: OK, how many golds have you managed to 'raise' in last 3 days?
Hacker Okan: I don't remember, but it's more than 3500.
Janko Fran: And what for? Is there some kind of political agenda for eCyprus, Terra, ONE? Is it against Admins or why did you do it? Just to show you can or is there some deeper meaning?
Hacker Okan: I help INCI. I hacked some accounts for them and they can control these account and do with them what they want. Other accounts I can use to blackmail admins.
Janko Fran: And what is relation between eCyprus, eTurkey and INCI?
Hacker Okan: INCI is Turkish group of players. So Turkey and INCI have some relations.
Janko Fran: And does INCI fight for eTurkey or against eTurkey?
Hacker Okan: I don't know, but against I think.
Janko Fran: OK, tell me more about what you do and why? Do you do it for profits, for fun or both or?
Hacker Okan: I do that for enjoyment, not for money. Not anymore... But sometimes I take profits like here in eRep. I have different ways...
Janko Fran: Is hacking addictive? Like eRep?
Hacker Okan: No.
Janko Fran: Do you still play eRep?
Hacker Okan: Yes, I play sometimes for INCI. I hate eRepublik, but love INCI... So I help them...
Janko Fran: Is hacking a challenge for you? Would you like to see eRepublik accounts better secured or you like it this way?
Hacker Okan: No, in eRep that is easy. I like it this way...
Janko Fran: Is there a way to protect eRep accounts better?
Hacker Okan: Yes, of course...
Janko Fran: Is is possible to protect accounts so you can't hack them?
Hacker Okan: Yes, they can do that...
Janko Fran: What would be your message to eRep community? Should they play eRep or log out forever?
Hacker Okan: They should log out, I think. eRepublik sucks, they don't have protection for the accounts.
Hacker Okan: Admins must fix that
Janko Fran: Could you help Admins fix things? Are they going to hire you regarding security issues?
Hacker Okan: They want my help. Maybe next days I can help them .
Janko Fran: What do you think about the eRepublik concept as a game? Is it promising? And what about the realization?
Hacker Okan: I think that eRepublik concept is good. But has some bad things like all games do, and the worst thing are admins...
Janko Fran: What would you do different if you were Admin?
Hacker Okan: If I help Admins, eRepublik would be fully protected. No hacking, no bugs, no fake accounts.
Janko Fran: OK, I am curious how did you hack my account again after I changed passwords and emails? Was it through a FB account sign in to eRep? Or through some keylogger or through eRep advanced? What techniques are used to get in eRep accounts?
Hacker Okan: If I hack your account one time, you can't save your account.
Janko Fran: So, what should I do to protect it?
Hacker Okan: I have 3-4 ways, but I can't say you these ways...
Janko Fran: If I format my computer, will it due?
Hacker Okan: Yes, you must format and "kasayi yan yatirmak". That is a hacking term in Turkey. "Kasayi yan yatirmak" means deleting hard disk.
Janko Fran: Oh, I see.... And the other ways? I suppose I'd need to find what was installed on my computer...
Hacker Okan: Kaspersky can catch me sometimes... My Trojans...
Janko Fran: OK, I need to go now, thanks for the interview...
Hacker Okan: OK, thanks.

Flausino: People of all nations - stop cheating! Hacker Okan? Never heard of him.

Janko Fran: Hello, Flausino! Could you explain your Welcome message law proposal in Bulgaria? Was your account hacked or you only mess around? Btw. INCIs say hi to you...
Flausino: I don't care about Turks.
Janko Fran: Was your account hacked or were you just kidding with that Welcome message?
Flausino: I was kidding... But I'm serious about eKurdistan, eArmenia, and ePalestine.
Janko Fran: Was that message a reason for you getting temporary suspension?
Flausino: Yes, that's why they banned me, but we worked things out...
Janko Fran: What does these messages mean?
"Hoffa13 is my girl, Hoffa13 is my girl! xD
TemujinBC did u milk the cow today? XDD
LLuX yo mama says "hi".
Sando e RUK."
I know who Hoffa13, TemujinBC and LLuX are, but what does 'Sando e RUK' mean?

Flausino: Sando is Sando Griffin, the big Bulgarian troll with whom I joke a lot. RUK is an F word in Bulgarian spelled backwards. We use it this way so the moderators don't give us FP xDD
Janko Fran: Oh, I see... Thanks for the explanations. Is there anything you'd like to say for my newspapers to the eRep community?
Flausino: I'd like to say to people of all nations - stop cheating so much, the game would be so much interesting and fun if we just play it by the rules and we would remember why we really started playing in the first place
Janko Fran: What do you mean by cheating? Stealing country money from the national bank? Using multis, cheating in elections, hacking and stealing the money? Any comments on recent hackings to eEgyptian president Pitlja666 or other eEgyptian officials? Do you know about some other players whose accounts were hacked? How was that solved?
Flausino: Mostly I'm talking about multie farms and multie armies. I have no info about hacked accounts and I can't comment.
Janko Fran: And what about trolling and name calling? I mean Macedonia/FYROM disputes, Add Kosovo/intependent country/Serbian region, and media wars?
Flausino: Trolling is fun the way I use it, but some people are just hating. Macedonia/FYROM dispute is very complicated. "Macedonia" is the name of a region on the Balkans given by the Greeks thousands of years ago, but on the other hand "Macedonia" (region) is not part of Greece (Byzantine empire) for centuries, so they shouldn't have any claims about their name or their nation. But also "COUNTRY" Macedonia doesn't exist until 1944 (I think) and the fact that they copy a lot of the ancient Greek history probably pisses the Greeks a lot. For what is worth, I think that "Macedonia" should be allowed to use that name as soon as they drop their "ancient history" claims because let's face it, they don't have such. Kosovo is Serbian, I don't know what else can I say here. Other things are just trolling.
Janko Fran: And what do you say about Kosovo and Serbian demands?
Flausino: Kosovo must be Serbian region, but should not be given any NEW resourses to them.
Janko Fran: A final question: Do you know Hacker Okan?
Flausino: Never heard of him.
Janko Fran: OK, I thought so... Anyway, your name is mentioned in the article...
Flausino: OK, I'll check it.

That would be all for this issue and I would like to congratulate INCI on their eRep birthday today [18 October].

Faithfully yours,
Janko Fran