Fixing the Economy -

Day 2,319, 22:29 Published in Romania Romania by zmeuNY


Articolul este inscris la Concursul FIX ECONOMY

Aceasta idee si expresie utopica, si anume "Fix the Economy" in eRepublik este de-a dreptul obosita si hilara. Numai o persoana naiva poate sa creada in asemenea baliverne.

Este imposibil sa redresezi o economie in momentul in care in acest joc sunt ingaduite sute, mii de clone sau conturi multiple. Explicatia este mai simpla decat pare. Pentru a avea o economie sanatoasa, iti trebuie productie si competitie. Chiar daca ai productie, nu poti avea competitie sanatoasa.

De ce? Pentru ca multe multe multe clone lucreaza la firmele unor jucatori. In situatia asta, cand tu - jucatorul cinstit, trebuie sa platesti 10 angajati cu 250-300 de RON pe zi pentru fiecare firma, iar jucatorul care angajeaza clone plateste doar 10 RON, este IMPOSIBIL ca tu sa poti produce resurse la un pret competitiv. Cam atat e de spus...

O solutie:
Plato, de ce nu ne mai lasi sa vedem unde lucreaza fiecare jucator, si cine e angajat in firmele fiecaruia? Asta ar putea fi primul pas in a redresa putin economia...

Facand o analogie simpla din viata reala ar confirma pe deplin teoria mea.
Sa ne imaginam ca tu, sau familia ta detine o fabrica de masini. Fabrica ta are nevoie de 100 de muncitori, iar salariile lor sunt de 100 de Lei pe zi. Asta inseamna ca ai costuri de 10.000 de Lei zilic doar pentru salarii (salariile te-ar costa 3.000.000 Lei anual).
In acelasi timp, altcineva are o fabrica de masini in care foloseste roboti, la un cost de 1 Leu pe zi de fiecare robot. Faceti un calcul si o sa vedeti ca el ar avea costuri anuale de doar 30.000 de Lei. Cam cat platesti tu salarii in 3 zile.

Cum ai putea TU sa fii competitiv cu asa ceva? Cum ai putea TU sa fii profitabil?
Chiar daca iti ofera Plato 10 Companii gratis, tot nu ai putea face mai nimic cu ele...

There's a ridiculous expression going around in eRepublik called "Fix the Economy". It is a burnt out, utopic, and hilarious concept. Only the naive could believe in such bullcrap.

It's impossible to fix the eRepublikan economy when there are hundreds and thousands of clones or multiple accounts allowed. Things are fairly clear. To have a healthy Economy you will need production and competition. Even if you have production, there is currently no healthy competition.

Why? Because of the many many many clones that WORK in some of the player's Companies. While an honest player will need to spend 250-300 cc daily, for each Company to pay 10 workers, another one spends 10 cc for the same services. Therefore it is IMPOSSIBLE for someone to manufacture resources (weapons & food) at a competitive price. That's about all I had to say....

One solution:
One small step would be for Plato to allow viewing of who works where, and to allow public viewing of all the employees in a Company. That's probably the one good first step...

One simple real-life analogy would actually confirm my theory.
Let's imagine you, or your family owns a factory that makes cars. This factory needs 100 workers, and their salary is 100 Dollars / day. That means your costs are 10.000 Dollars / day just in salaries (That amounts to approx. 3.000.000 Dollars in a year).
In the same time, someone else has a factory, and they use Robots instead of people, which cost them 1 Dollar / day. Do the math, and you will find out their annual spend is 30.000 Dollars (while you have to spend that amount in 3 days). Now that's some savings !!!!!

How are YOU going to compete with that? How are YOU going to be Profitable? Even if Plato gives you 10 Factories, you still can't compete!