Firebase Leonard Nimoy- Colorado, USA- Day 2657- 0630 EZC PT

Day 2,657, 21:57 Published in USA USA by EMC4

Oh Dio, so hungover, and I forgot I was supposed to lead PT this morning.

Alright, let's get motivated, Easy! You dirty apes better be formed up in full battle rattle in less than five mikes!

Military Unit, attention! Right Face! Forward, march!

Hail oh hail oh infantry.
Down by the river.
Pick up your weapon.
Come on, you natural born killers! On to Curahee Mountain!

Yeah, that mountain!

Double time.
1234, Hey!
We can run.
Almost home now, half time, MARCH!
Hard work!
I hear you calling!
Alright, Easy, grab some chow and get ready to spread some democracy today!
0900 Unit Formation
Uniform: Full Combat w/ ruck
Ammo: TBD
Rations: TBD
Goal: Victory
Means: Any Necessary