Financial Oversight: What's a Comptroller?

Day 2,812, 09:00 Published in Canada Canada by Hotelier
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There has been a general lack of financial oversight in eCanada, mostly because the Comptroller has gone missing in action. Now, with money moving over between orgs and no real tracking of funds, Congress has seen fit to kick Brian Alexander fom the position and find us a new Comptroller.

I thought it important to inform eCanadians on the Comptroller, given that, I’m assuming, none of us have any idea what that is. I didn't either before I did the research.

Question: What is a Comptroller and why do we need one?

Google: a person in charge of an organization's finances. "The regional controller for the Department of Education"

In eCanada, the Comptroller is the person basically in charge of the country's finances. That person distributes currency out according to the budget put forward by Congress, provided that there actually is one. Failing the existence of a budget, he release funds in accordance to Congressional or Presidential order, though that is technically not supposed to happen.

Top Facts you Need to Know About the Comptroller

1. They control Canada’s main financial organisation, and keep public record of eCanada’s financial transactions.
2. They are in power for life, or until they resign.
3. They are elected by Congress.
4. They can hold office, but cannot be the CP.

For the actually Comptroller General Act, please follow this link: Comptroller General Act.

In general, the Comptroller is just an extra layer of security over eCanada’s money. He/she exists so that theft is either impossible, or extremely difficult. With the added dictatorship mod, the threat of international coup is a distinct possibility. By keeping money in a separate org, foreign powers who may take over eCanada cannot empty the treasury.

With Congress now discussing the possibility of a Nest Egg, (a certain amount of cash on hand to be used in case of coup, war or emergency. Portion size yet to be determined, though from the looks of things on the forum, it could be anywhere between 200,000cc to 500,000cc), the money would (assumedly) be kept in the org and be financially managed by the Comptroller. For a link to the discussion on the Nest Egg size, please click HERE

EDIT: Congress has just put forward the vote to finalize the Nest Egg. It has been clarified at 500,000cc

Additionally, the Nest Egg discussion is only valid because the current tax rate is doing wonders for the treasury. Congress even rejected a tax change down the 8%.

Canadian treasury
Canadian Ministry of Magic Finance

Conclusively, the position of a Comptroller is a fairly important one, and so I believe that eCanadians need to have some kind of oversight to the actual selection of this person. On the forums, there hasn’t been a whole lot of interest in the position. At the time of writing, the candidates were (in order of application):

- Foxfire
- Rylde
- Hotelier (my good self)
- Aries Prime

I would ask Rylde to clarify whether or not he was being sarcastic in his application.

And so eCanadians, I give you the information of what’s happening behind the massively annoying and complicated mess that is the forum.