Day 675, 21:54 Published in Peru Peru by Parinoid Android

If PDE gets in power, AHA/ALA will attack us. PDE are Polish TOers, the same from that TOed Bolivia not so long ago. So if any question on who to vote for contact Nekito.

Now your asking me Parinoid, you a bit paranoid? No.

Then how do you know they are Polish TOers, wait, in fact, even Polish? Look at their older shouts, they are in polish and say "poliska" alot. And why else would Level 18s and up come to Peru and start a party and take a large percentage of votes with only 36 members on their first try?

Well if they are TOers why do they have so many votes? Obviously the people love them. Wrong, Very few Peruvians have voted for them. Those who have are either tricked, multis, or from other EDEN nations.

Are you pulling my leg Paranoid, EDEN TOing the last Neutral Nation in South America just for a bit of gold? Not EDEN specifically, just EDEN has allowed to many PM(private military), TO groups, and RW groups form to hit PEACE. They allowed them to come to power by supporting their growth. They never policed them, now they are making the name of EDEN tainted.

But, Parinoid, you have a Private Military...why are you so down on them? Well, heck, my PM is barely used and we have a Moral Code. No TOs, No fighting for the top dog, only help the meek.

But you have Navy II with you, are you mad? Navy may have stolen money, he may have done a bunch of things, but in joining my group he abides by my rules. And deep down he is a good guy. Funny too 😛

Wow, Parinoid, you asked yourself all these questions, and you covered any possible angle you could be counter attacked from. Good going bro Cheers!
Thanks, self-conscious. But we have yet to discuss all the problems this election.

Now I warn you all who have yet to vote. And even PDE if you want this nation to exist longer then your term, vote for whom Nekito tells you. If not, well Peru will be missed in the upcoming onslaught of PEACE armies. That is a PEACE response to a TO...war...lets not give them our High regions 😑

This is your FINAL WARNING Peru.

We may need some Christan Magic to pull through this.