Filigree Pavements - We're all going to experience it (Svi cemo to dozivjet)

Day 1,294, 15:08 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by ClioPilot
Scroll below for the English version

Jedan sasvim uobicajen razgovor koji je svim igracima eRepublika poznat eRepubliku ili ce biti poznat....

XX: Ja imam problem, Doktore ja imam problem

Dr: Koji je vas problem?

XX: Doktore ja mislim da previse vremena provodim u RL

Dr: Kako molim? Sta je to RL???

XX: Pa Real Life... to je ovaj zivot... ovaj sad sto Vi i ja igramo i svi oko nas

Dr: Kako mislite ovaj zivot, kako mislite igramo???

XX: Pa fino igramo... ne razumijem kako vam nije jasno....

Dr: Dragi gospodine, ja bih vama rado htio pomoc. Morate mi ispricat sve o vasem problemu... molim vas ispricajte mi sve o vasem problemu, od pocetka.

XX: Pa vidite igram ovaj RL od pocetka svog RL zivota. Onda sam prije nesto jace od godinu dana poceo da igram eL....

Dr: sta je eL????

XX: eLife, elektornski zivot, internetski zivot

Dr: A znaci vas je problem ovistnos o internetu, pa sad mi je jasno... recite mi koliko vremena provodite na FB, Twiteru, formumima????

XX: Skoro pa ni 10 min dnevno. Pa Vi mene uopste ne razumijete, moj eL nije na bezveznom FB ili cemu vec... ja imam svoj pravi eL... na eRepubliku....

Dr: A sta je taj eRepublik, pricajte mi o njemu.

XX: Doktore to vam je nesto predivno, tamo mozete biti sve sto hocete, sve ono sto ste oduvijek zeljeli.

Dr: Znaci podvojena licnost, i sta ste vi na tom svom eRepubliku???

XX: Ja sam tamo pravo priznat covjek, ja sam tamo predsjednik druge stranke po jacini. Ja sam tamo clan parlamenta drzave... pa vi nemate pojma koliko sam tamo cijenjen. Moje novine su među najcitanim.... moje rijeci su vazne i drugim.... A tek sto sam jak, svaki par dana osvojim Battle Hero medalju. A doktore vi mene sad vidite, jel tako da ne bih ja ovako krzljav mogao biti najjaci na nekom RL bojnom polju... a tamo sam među najjacim... svi mi se dive

Dr: Ahaaaaa, a imate li vi tamo nekih stvari kao sto su novac, eL sigurno nemoze donijet novca kao sto je to slucaj u RL. Vi ste obrazovan covjek imate diplomu. Molim vas zar ne vidite skucenost tog eL!

XX: Ma kakva skucenost, kakava diploma.... pa ja sam tamo biznismen, zarađujem dnevno ono sto u RL ne mogu zaradit za mejsec.... a tek sto firmi imam... ejh.... jos imamo tamo i golde, to vam je nesto dragocijenije i od dolara, eura, jena i svicarskih franaka...

Dr: Interesantno, a reci te mi imal tamo zena, supruga....

XX: Nema, tj ima ako hoces da imas, al to moras naci na chatu. Al ako neces da imas, to je sasvim ok i normalno...

Dr: A te medalje???

XX: Dobivas medalje, za svasta nesto... a za medalju dobijes i 5 golda, to ti je bruka love... ko da kredit dignes... a nemoras nikom vratit. Et jel sad razumijete sto mislim da previse vremena provodim u RL. Mozete mi pomoc???? Mozete??? Doktore????

Nakon šest mjeseci.....

Prof. Dr: Dragi kolega koji je vas problem, vasa zena kaze da ste je ostavili, da ne zelite vise radit. Pozvao sam vas ovdje da malo porazgovaram s vama, kao prijatelj. Dugo se poznajemo, a bili ste moj najbolji student. A vasa privatna praksa je bila najbolja u gradu....

Dr: Joj ne mogu sad o tome Prof.Dr, ne sada.... pobjegla mi je BH medalja za 1000 dmg!!!!!


A completely common conversation to all eRepublik players, or it will soon become common...

XX: I have a problem. Doctor, I have a serious problem.

DR: What is your problem?

XX: Doctor, I think I spend too much time in RL.

DR: RL?! What is this RL you speak of?

XX: Well, Real Life…it’s this life…that You and me play, and everyone around us…

DR: What do you mean this life, what do you play???

XX: Well, um, we play…I don’t get it how you don’t understand…

DR: Dear Sir, I would really love to help you. You have to tell me everything about your problem…
please, tell me everything about your problem.

XX: I’ve been playing this RL since the beginning of my RL. And then, about a year ago I started playing this eL…

DR: What is eL???

XX: eLife, electronic life, internet life.

DR: Ahh, I see. So your problem is in fact addiction to internet. I understand it now…Tell me…how much time do you spend on FB, Twitter or forums?

XX: I spend barely 10 minutes there. You just won’t understand me, my eL is not on frikken FB or whatever… I have my real eLife…on eRepublik.

DR: And what is this eRepublik, do tell me all about it.

XX: Doctor, that is something wonderful. You can be everything you want there, everything you’ve always dreamed of.

DR: So an ambivalent person. And what are you on this eRepublik of yours?

XX: I am a truly fulfilled person there, the president of the second largest party. I am the member of Congress… you just wouldn’t believe how esteemed I am there. My papers are one of the most-read… my words are important to others too… And strong, my strength is awesome, I win a few BattleHero medals each day. And you see me, doctor. Could I as undersized as I am be of any significance on any RL battlefield….and I am one of the strongest there…everyone adores me!

DR: Ohhhh, and do you have any things there, like money? eL surely cannot bring as much money as RL. You are an educated man, you have a diploma. Can’t you see the insufficiency in that world?

XX: What insufficiency, what diploma?!?!? I am a businessman there. I earn more than I earn here in a month…and the number of companies I own… ha!... plus, we have gold there. That is something much more valuable than dollars, euros, yens,…

DR: How interesting. And tell me, are there wives there?

XX: No, that is, you can one if you want to. But you have to hang around chat channels. If you don’t want to have one, that is completely acceptable and okay.

DR: And these medals?!

XX: You get medals for all sorts of things…and you get 5 gold for a medal, too. And that’s a lotta cash. A LOT. As if you were getting a loan from a bank…which you don’t have to pay, of course.
Now do you see what I mean when I’m saying I’m spending too much time in RL?!?? Can you help??!?! Doctor??! Please, can you help me?!?!?!?!

Six months later…

Prof.DR: My dear colleague, what seems to be your problem? Your wife told me you’ve left her, that you do not want to work anymore. I invited you here to have a friendly conversation. We’ve known each other for years, and you were my best student, too. And your private practice was among the city’s best….

DR: Yeah, yeah, I can’t talk about that right now, no way… I’ve lost the BattleHero medal for 1000 damage!!!!

The redaction [ClioPilot, Jovan Tekelija - english translation]