Day 2,662, 15:25 Published in Serbia Serbia by G.O.A.T. Nemanja

Nadam se da je Tricova taktika svima jasna...


U Srbiji se gura D1,D2,D3 do epske bitke, da bi se duplirali bodovi, D4 se pusta i tu stetu prenose u Argentinu.

Kada malo bolje pogledamo i saberemo duplirane bodove (zbog EPIC-a) jasno se vidi da nas D4 ne moze sam da dobije bitku.
Dobijana bitka D4 (bez Epic-a) donosi 5 bodova.
Sa tim je jasna kalkulacija da ce se posle svake dobijene bitke u D1,D2,D3 njihova prednost povecavati za odredjeni broj bodova.

A ako se malo bolje pozabavimo sa jedinom preostalom divizijom (D4)jasno se vidi da tu trenutno nemaju sanse da nam pariraju. Savetovao bih sve iz D4 da tu stetu cuvaju jer ce mozda kasnije biti potrebna. A kao sto mozemo da vidimo na sledecoj slici zid D4 u Argentini se lomi i tamo je steta potrebnija. I ako opet ukljucimo digitron jasno se se vidi da sa dupliranim bodovima iz D4 dobijaju bitku!



I hope it is clear to all Trico tactics ...


The Serbia pushes D1, D2, D3 to the epic battles to duplicate points, D4 was deserted and there damage transferred to Argentina.

When you take a closer look and we add duplicate points (for EPIC) it is clear that we D4 can I win the battle.
D1 + D2 + D3 = 2 + 4 + 6 = 12
Battle D4 were obtained (without Epic-a) gives 5 points.
With these calculations is clear that after each winning a battle in D1, D2, D3 increased their advantage to a certain number of points.

And if you are a little better deal with the only remaining division (D4) it is clear that there is currently no chance to parry us. I would advise all from D4 to keep the damage as may be required later. And, as you can see in the following picture wall D4 in Argentina is broken and there is a pity necessary. And again, if the keypad is clearly seen that the D4 duplicate points from winning the battle!