Federal Arsenal Established! The State Needs Strong German Workers!

Day 401, 20:36 Published in Germany Germany by Bundesministerium des Inneren

As a Christmas gift to Germany, Justin Tyme bought up a q1 weapons factory with 3000 iron and export licenses to Sweden, Germany, and Pakistan for 35 gold, and then went and upgraded it to Q2. It's now hereby commissioned as the Federal Arsenal for the German Army and will, by using federal funding, supply weapons directly to the German Army.

Everything is taken care of except for workers! We've put up several well-paying job offers, and we need 10-11 preferably skilled and dedicated Germans for labor. Join now, and help Germany stay strong!


Also, we ask that tomorrow Congress, with its new mandates, donate 10,000 DEM to the BMI account for use in operational costs and government loans to other such companies essential to the German state.