Fake bullet

Day 2,718, 10:23 Published in Croatia Croatia by LazyWolf

First, every point following this one will be dependent upon your remaining calm. You will be incapable of higher thought if your brain is seized up with an 'oh my god oh my god oh my god' cycle.
Second, calmness begets calmness. If you panic, you're in turn going to panic a person with a gun to your head, who obviously felt backed into a corner prior to your beginning to scream and convulse two feet away from them.
Remember, your assailant has leveraged control of your physical movement by virtue of having a firearm, but you will, almost without exception, be at a psychological advantage in this situation - if you stay calm. You will have the benefit of rationality, logic, rhetoric and persuasion, all of which you're about to need in spades.
Good Luck to all!!!